Chapter 10: After the after party

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"It was epic Logan! Despite the fight but it was perfect." Logan is on babysitting duty while Malik sort the last touches to the ceremony and sorting Eliah's 18th birthday party. We are currently in the bedroom - not in that way....dirty minded, I'm showing Logan my dress and telling him about our day out.

"I'm glad you're happy but aren't you a bit nervous about the ceremony." Logan gets off the bed and hangs the dress on the door of the wardrobe.

"A little bit it's what the pack wants and Malik wants." I shrug and continue to mess with my dress.

"Shouldn't you be doing this for you as well, not just the pack and Malik?" Logan hands me my drink and I sit on the bed.

"I am, just not for the reason everyone else wants it to be." I sigh looking out the window. Logan frowns at me and sits down on the floor. I swear this guy is 8 not 18.

"When you mate it's the best experience of your life but with an Alpha it's just you have to follow certain traditions. The acceptance ceremony is me becoming Luna and leading a pack with my mate." Logan still looks confuse and pushes me to continue.

"All I'm saying is, everyone is coming tonight to see the Luna carry the pack but I want to be there because Malik is my everything. I just don't want to let him down if I can't handle being Luna, at least if I'm at the ceremony it looks like I'm living up to his expectations." Logan stands up and sits next to me on the bed. I couldn't help the tear that slipped down my face as I thought about his face when I mess up.

"Malik expects nothing from you, he just wants to love you and for you to be here whenever he needs you. He wants you to have his pups, he cooks for you, you make his life better. I've never seen him so happy when he's around you. And whenever you're sad he'll be here to comfort you." Logan pulls me into a hug and I continue to stream my tears down my cheek.

"I wonder where he is Now?" I laugh a little and as I do so I hear a chuckle from the door.

"I'm here." I pull away from Logan's warm embrace and run to the arms of my mate. He wraps me tight against his chest and cradles my head, Logan quietly exits the room and I spend a moment still. Just still, stood with my mate where I belong.

"Listen Ivy,as much as i hate to say It, Logan's right. I expect nothing from you and if you're are not ready for this, then we will wait-"

"No I'm ready, I just don't want to disappoint anyone." He lifts my chin with his thumb and stares into my blue eyes.

"You are sure as hell not going to disappoint me and if any of the pack members have a bad opinion,it's simple. They die." Malik smiles and kisses me softly. I couldn't fight the smile I had formed against the kiss.

"Now, we are going to my parents for Eliah's birthday party." He places a guiding hand on the small of my back and we walk to the car.

"Do you think your sisters will want to help me get ready tonight?" I ask as we climb in the car, Malik nods.

"Yeah, I know Eliah is in mating mode, she's convinced she will find her mate tonight and Charlotte is talking about how she will be Luna to a different Alpha. Like hell I'm gonna allow that." His grip on the wheel tightens and I place my hand over his.

"You're so protective." I feel the tingles ignite on my skin and it makes my wolf howl.

"And I'm even more protective of my car, move away from the wheel." We both blurt out an unexpected laugh. We pull up outside the Bael house hold and everybody is already here. Eliah runs out towards me.





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