Chapter 11: Clarity

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"C'mon Malik it'll be fun and I good time to build bonds with her." I argue, softly pulling on his shirt. I have been trying to convince Malik to allow a day off with his brother and newly found mate.

"Logan Is off anyway with Eliah and I think I need to meet Lila." I take his face in my hand and he looks down at me holding back a smile.

"You look beautiful." He whispers and I roll my eyes.

"You're changing the subject." I groan and his hands rest on my waist, he shakes his head again before we are interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Are you guys ready?" Skai and Lila enter the house and Malik frowns at me.

"Oh, by the way, I already said yes." I kissed Malik's cheek and ran upstairs to grab two towels. We were going to the waterfall. I get back downstairs and I take in Lila's appearance. She has caramel skin and brown curly hair, springing with life. She had beautiful brown hair that stood out against her black long eyelashes.

"I'm Ivy, pleasure to meet you." I hug Lila and she giggles hugging me back. Lila is dressed in a loose baby pink top and black denim shorts with plain sandals.

"It's nice to meet you too and if you and Alpha Bael are to busy we can-"

"Don't be silly, we're happy to join you to and call him Malik- Alpha Bael boosts his ego." I whisper the last part with a smile directed towards my loving mate. Skai laughs at us both and I grab Malik's hand, leaving the house as a group.




Extern narrator.

"This place is beautiful." Lila comments as the group all stand on the ledge looking at the falling water. Ivy nods with a grin that touches her ears, reflecting on the so many happy memories she has here.

The girls both get undressed to their bikinis that were under their clothing and Ivy hears Malik's low growl. She turns to him and walks into his arms. His hands run up her bare skin and she kissed his lips softly.

"Relax, I'm all yours tonight." Her seductive whisper music to his ears, her lips skimming his ear.

"Your all mine now and nobody can change that."  She laughs lightly at him and he takes this opportunity to sweep Ivy into his arms and leaps into the water. Lila's loud laugh echoes as their bodies crash into the water and they join them in the water.

"That was uncalled for." Ivy lightly hit his chest and enjoyed the tingles that spread through her body when they touched. Skai had Lila in his arms, their chests pressed against each other and she kisses him softly.

"Malik come on." Ivy swims to the rocks and pulls herself up onto it. Malik's chest rises up and down with subtle laughter as he follows her. He remains in the water as his mate stands above him.

"What happened to her back?" Lila whispered as she watched the two playfully wrestle in the water. Skai pulled her closer to his chest and looked over at his brother.

"He lost control one night by the river and Ivy turned her back on his wolf." Skai recounted a sad look over his features as he watched Ivy laugh and kiss his brother.

"He did that to her?" Lila pressed her forehead against Skai's and her face couldn't hide her sadness.

"Yeah....he spent three days beside her waiting for her to wake up, he said if she didn't, he'd kill himself." Skai stroked Lila's cheek and kissed her neck softly.

My Mate; Luna uniqueWhere stories live. Discover now