Chapter 7: The mate pull

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Malik POV

"Baby, are you hungry?" I whispers softly into her ears. She rolls over and looks in my grey eyes, I move her hair away from her face

"Yes, I am." She sighs with a smile, the sun casting a perfect glow upon our faces. I nod and stand up putting my shorts on.

"I'll be back in a minute." My eyes can't help but admire her naked, marked body in my bed. All mine. Ivy struggles to hide her lustful eyes and I think after breakfast I will be able to take her again and again.

"I wouldn't mind that." Ivy whispers and I mentally slap myself for forgetting about the mind link.

I stroll downstairs trying to style my disheveled hair and who but be standing in my kitchen.

"Logan, Skai,please come on in. Do you want some breakfast?" I ask sarcastically and my brother frowns at me.

"Nah, thanks for the offer but I've just had some cereal." Logan says with no sign of an actual joke. The stove lights with a blue flame and I begin to cook the bacon.

"So Malik, she really got you going last night?" Skai laughed and I swear I would've ripped his head off right there if I knew my mother wouldn't kill me. He pointed to the mark she had left on my shoulder and I scoweled at him.

"That's none of your business-"

"Malik, if breakfast is gonna take more than a minute to make,come back to bed so we can..." Ivy has stopped at the stairs as she noticed our unwelcome guests. She is barely covered by a blanket and I throw a spoon at Logan who is ogling her.

"Sorry, I didn't realise we had company." She grabs my shirt off the back of the sofa and slips it on her. Drowning her more than the blanket did.

"Neither did I." I clench my jaw and continue to cook the bacon.

"That's alot of marks." Logan comments and Ivy simply smiles proudly. It makes me so happy to know she is mine.

"He didn't want anyone to know I belonged to anybody but him." She states and I scoff trying to mask it with a chuckle.

"Sure, that's how it went down." I mummbled,she nudged my side and I mind linked her.

'I want more are the words you used.'

"You're like a drug." She retaliates out loud and smiles to herself as the boys look confused. We are all interrupted by my phone ringing.

"I'll get it." She says picking the call up.

"Hello Alpha Malik's phone." Ivy laughs at herself before the heavenly glow drains from her face.

"Who is It?" I ask and she grips onto the phone for dear life but I get no other response as if she is in a trance.

"Hey, baby what's wrong?" I rush to her and crouch to her level,she drops the phone and the call is still rolling as she stares down at it.

"My father wants to speak with you." A barely audible voice escapes her now dull lips and I pick the phone up.

"What?!" I growl, trying to steady her shaking body. How dare he do this to my mate.

"Now, now Malik....i just want to arrange a meeting of peace if you wish." Malik? Malik?! Who the fuck does he think he is?!

"Address me with my title and show some respect, then I might consider your offer." I say sternly, a slight chuckle is heard on the other side.

"Alpha Bael, I wish to arrange a meeting over my daughter and you mating?" This time he has a little more respect in his tone.

My Mate; Luna uniqueWhere stories live. Discover now