i see them bloom for me and you

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i've let myself fall in love with a boy who will never love me, who will always curse and contaminate and unhinge because that is all he has ever known. this boy beholds his heart on far greater beauties than i; he walks through my museum full of art with his eyes tightly closed. perhaps his voice reeks of cigarettes and bruised eyelids, but he has the looks of a god and the tongue of a two-edged sword and i think under all the mercury that has clumped and rusted around his breaking heart i think he might have a little gold inside his soul. his quicksilver fingers are coated with unearthly bliss and broken promises drip from lips that bloom like amaranth roses. oh, what a bittersweet symphony we are, as he dives head first into my collateral beauty and etches his initials into the folds of my brain and now all my heart pumps is arsenic rivers of stardust and him. he has me dangling around his finger like windchimes in a thunder storm and every moment every glance every quirk of upturned lip leaves my hands aching to pick the dandelions that grow in his mind; together we make a bouquet of withering secrets and honeysuckle laughter. the things that come out of his mouth resemble jaguars pouncing on the edge of the forest just waiting for their prey to come out and play. he's quick and biting with his words but brings the angels that inhabit the heavens to tears with his smile and i think i've fallen in too deep, how do i unlock this cage of star crossed and prayers unanswered? he's rewired my brain with thoughts of crimson silk dripping from his tanned taut skin and now even the crevices of my soul secrete his name. oh, how i wish he was mine and oh how i rejoice in the fact that the devil has been dethroned and a new boy(king) is here to stay and he is the one who claims my heart. perhaps this poisonous boy with the hurricane smile and the velvet hands will someday walk this ugly earth beholding with his heart a great beauty, but beauty to share. perhaps, someday, he will share that exuberance with me.

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