you're a beautiful rose, but you have thorns somewhere

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the boy grew from the fertilized blood of mother nature, blossoming and blooming into a flower like no other; unique and absolutely alluring.
he loves me he loves me not he loves me he loves menothelovesme
he has an aura of vermillion and viridian, and clovers sprout from the ground in which he walks.
the boy's laugh sounds like twinkling chimes swinging in the breeze, his smile gives off an emotion equivalent to the feeling of true love. he is made of extraordinary beauty, his ivory bones sewn together with tangled strands of fallen nebulae.
the boy laughs in flowers, and cries in rivers, and dreams in monochrome constellations of iridescent dewdrops.
his lips are like fire and honey glazed bliss and he tastes like warmth, like safety, like home.
he loves me he loves me not helovesmehelov
he has created a cage of roses and locked it around my heart, and i have no desire to escape.
because, why rid yourself of your heart's desires, when you already have them in your grasp?
he loves me he loves me not he lovesmeheloves

an; i was thinking of lee minhyuk while writing this...

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