Dutch Colonial

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I had been patiently waiting for the house I was having rebuilt. The house is a nineteenth century Dutch Colonial that was pretty run down when I bought it. Fortunately for me I know a carpenter that owns his own sawmill, and owes me a favor or two. The work was scheduled to begin the first of next month so until then I thought I would go and start cleaning the inside.

Upon entering the house I gaged. The smell was horrible, almost like something had recently died in there. The smell was so overpowering I could not go very far inside. Since the smell was so bad I decided to go and get the police.

The police entered the house, with gas masks on, and searched it thoroughly. They found five dead dogs, two cats, countless birds, rats, mice and even a goat all on just the first floor. The officer in charge said he'd never seen anything like this in all his years on the force. It was so horrific three officers went home sick just from the sight. The basement had many more dead animals and a whole bunch of black candles, rope, various herbs, spices, plants and artifacts.

The top floor had only four rooms, all of which were in a mess except one. The room that was not in a mess looked like it was some sort of ritual room or something. There was a pentagram drawn on the floor with what looked like dried blood. At all points of the star were eight black candles held in some sort of six branch menorah. In the middle of the star was the head of the goat surrounded by black tulips, or queens of the night, and black roses. There was a chandelier directly above with more black candles in each holder. Outside the circle at each point was a different herb or spice in a black dish with strange markings.

I had no idea what was inside the house when I bought it, but now I wish I had. There was no possibility of me selling the house in this condition, but then again if I go through the trouble of cleaning it up I wouldn't sell it anyway.

After everything was removed I went down to the local hardware store and bought a respirator along with some other supplies including industrial cleaners and bug bombs. Armed with my new supplies I returned to the house and got started cleaning. It took me two weeks to clean the house enough to enter without a respirator. I had scented candles in every room of the house except the ritual room, I hadn't even touched it yet.

For some unknown reason I feared that room, after all wasn't it just another room like the others. I was never one to believe in that black magic mumbo-jumbo, and I wasn't about to start now. The belief that a gateway could be opened was absurd. This sounded like something out of a horror flick or something. Maybe I just watched too much television or let my imagination get away from me.

That room was the last to be cleaned. I set my mind and opened the door that is when I noticed all the candles were lit. This really freaked me out and set my nerves on edge, so I began to blow the candles out only to find that they were relighting themselves. At first I thought it was a prank like trick candles or remote flame. I went to my car and got a fire extinguisher and returned to find the door locked. I broke the doorknob off with the butt of the extinguisher and entered. As I started to extinguish the flame it came back bigger and more ferocious than before. I turned to leave but the door slammed shut and wouldn't open. I tried to break the window to no avail the extinguisher just bounced off the window pane. Sadly I knew this was the end, but then I heard a voice say serve me and live disobey and die. Now you know my story come by and visit sometime, I'd love to show you my home. I believe the carpenter will be here soon. I think he would like a tour.

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