Chapter 33

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"You still in touch with your old man back in Charming?" Von asked Cherry, glancing over at the girl as they smoked outside Mo's shop.

Cherry shook her head, "Nah. What's the point?"

"Hmm," Von just shrugged, not really looking for a conversation with the girl.

"You talk to Jax?" Cherry asked, her eyes locked on the side of Von's face.

"No," Von said wistfully. "Doubt he'd take a call if I tried."

"Clean break," Cherry flicked her cigarette into the street. "Sometimes it's better."

"Hmm," Von shrugged. "Gotta run," she sighed.

"Siobhan," Fiona called out. "Inside. Now."

Von looked at her for a moment but didn't open her mouth. Fiona wasn't someone to pick an unnecessary fight with. "Aye," she grumbled petulantly. "Problem?" Von asked as she followed Fiona into the office.

"Aye, I'd say so," she hissed. "Gemma Teller's dead," she said, causing Von's stomach to drop. "Her body washed up and it's raising suspicions."

"A body tends to do that," Von covered her panic but not enough to quell Fiona's concerns.

"Shite," she snapped. "What did you do?"

"Nothing," Von stomped her foot. "Shite, Fi. What happened?"

Fiona eyed her, "Someone carved the goddamn IRA tag in her chest."

"What?" Von asked, completely shocked by the revelation. "H-how do you know?"

She glared at Von. "Filip reached out, Jax is-"

"Bloody furious," Von whispered. "On edge. He wants his pound of flesh."

"Aye," Fiona grumbled. "And we're tasked with finding out who and why."

"I don't know shite," Von said defensively. "Jax knows he could call, if he can't even do that I can't help him."

Fiona shook her head. "This isn't about your goddamn broken heart, Siobhan. Lock it up, we need to help our boys before they do something that gets one of them killed."

"Our boys," Von scoffed. "Jax and Chibs aren't our boys."

"They are," She was suddenly softer, more compassionate. "Always will be. We can't control how they decide to handle things."

"Decide to handle things?" Von was equally confused and angered by Fiona's take on their situations. "You and Kerrianne were basically stolen from Chibs and me, shite Fi, I was kicked out by Jax because I'm too much. I'm too..."

"Irish," she chuckled darkly. "I heard."

"Fuck you," Von snapped. "Don't put it like that, that's like I can't change it."

"You can't," Fiona said sadly. "It's who we are."

"And now we have to play inspector?" She asked angrily. "We have to find out who wants to put the blame on the IRA and why they killed Gem?"

"Aye, before word gets to Declan and the Kings."

"Fi is working on it," Chibs sighed to Opie. "We need to keep him grounded until then."

"What is she gonna find?" Opie asked skeptically. "It was carved into her goddamn chest, Chibs."

He nodded, "Aye, but why? Dumping her like that, off the docks, hidden for months, it ain't Irish."

"Then who would want to kill Gemma?" Opie and Chibs looked at each other and both sighed knowing it was not as absurd as Opie initially assumed. "Shit," he hissed. "What about Von? Is she more connected with the Kings?"

"Kings won't tell her shite," Chibs spat as Jax arrived. "We need SAMBEL and that means we need Fiona."

"I'm gonna reach out," Opie said, wanting to be completely honest with his brother. "It's for Gemma."

"Aye," Chibs nodded back behind Opie as Jax approached them. "Jackie," Chibs greeted their President.

"I need you," he said somberly. "I got a lead on my mom."

"A lead?" Opie asked, unsure of how legitimate it could be.

Jax nodded, "The Irish are gonna pay, all of them, but I want the man who killed my mom."

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