Beginning of trouble

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I don't own Merlin.

The relief was easily spot upon the faces of the brave warriors riding back towards the great walls and the laughter was heard across the five kingdoms, for when the chances seemed lost , they were once again victorious. The king rode ahead leading the way through the tall trees; the fallen leafs, following the scorching sun seeping through the ancient branches. Among the thoughts whirling in his head, he pushed aside thoughts about his sister and let the joyful atmosphere seep into him.

But none was wiser to the last rider lost in thoughts, the loyal boy struggling to stay on horse, the young warlock whose shoulders felt like carrying the entire world. His mind was at ease knowing that his destiny and the name that carries it was not revealed to his past friend turned enemy, but the battle left him with unseen wounds, with creaky bones and most important with his hope, his life force weakened. Even as the citadel appeared behind the skyline, the face of his paternal figure and friends waiting in the square, haven't brought happiness upon him. With the last of his strength the boy hugged his friends then made the journey on the heavy stairs collapsing heavily on his bed, but little did he know that this time there will be no calmness come morning.

Merlin awoke with a jolt ready to strike against the attacker with everything he had, before seeing the old wise eyes staring at him a little concerned.

"Merlin,are you alright? Arthur's been calling for you like a madman for awhile now. It's almost noon!" The boy felt disoriented but upon hearing his guardian words jumped off the warm blankets and threw his clothes on jerkily, the young hands shaking worrying the other pair of eyes in the room.

"My boy, what's wrong? You're eyes are sad since the day you returned from the last battle." Gaius spoke softily laying hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Gaius, I kept thinking about Morgana and before I realized,it was dawn. I know you told me already to stop doing it but it's hard not knowing if you could've done something." Merlin told this in a broken voice, admitting a small part of his sorrows.

"Uther's hate for magic and his lies destroyed Morgana long before we realized it, leaving her just a shell of the loving woman we knew. The person she is today is just a high priestess with a hateful desire for Camelot and revenge." Merlin sighed upon listening to his guardian words and left. The watchful gaze of Gaius, remained of his young ward concerned and afraid of the troubles the boy is facing now.

Merlin rushed his body, but with every step he could feel his energy dwindling away and becoming more tired. When the wooden door of the king's chambers appeared he stopped, squared his shoulders and slapped a smile hoping for the best.

"Oh, look what the cat dragged in", Arthur exclaimed in a sarcastic tone to his queen. "Leave him be Arthur , his job is hard enough as it is" Guinevere answered amused before smiling comfortingly at Merlin and leaving the room. Merlin lifted his gaze after arranging the mouth watering lunch on the table and prepared himself for the onslaught of chores and punishments he would have to face for missing the morning.

"So...what was it this time? Did they run out of mead....or I know, you ran out of coins and they kicked you out, right? Otherwise you would've been...oh I don't know.....HERE!" the royal yelled his last words before a smirk replaced his pissed face. "So, since you made me late to a meeting, you'll have to clean my room, polish my armor, sharpen mu sword, muck out the stables and clean my boots. But before that we have a training session to get to". By now Merlin, anticipating his chores, concentrated on his movements as to not drop something or trip and get himself into more trouble than he is.

Arthur leaned on his sword after his training with gulped down sweet, cold water savoring each swallow. The king turned his eyes from the sun when he heard the approaching steps of Sir Leon and Gwaine. For the first time since knowing him, Arthur saw seriousness and dread on Gwaine's face, his usual mischief missing.

"Sire, do you have a minute?" Leon asked. "Of course, what's wrong?"

"Arthur, we're worried about Merlin, something's wrong with him. His face goes sad when he thinks no one's watching and Gaius says he's always lost in thought and it's becoming more difficult to wake him from his sleep." The king regarded their words before dismissing them. "I'm sure he's fine, it's probably all that time that he spends in the tavern that's taking a toll on him".

"I don't know where you got your information from, Princess, but I haven't seen Merlin in the tavern since......he came looking for me on your quest". Gwaine replied twisting Arthur's thoughts.

"I'm sure he's fine but I'll talk to him". Even as the words left his mouth, Arthur's eyes found his friend on the training field rearranging the weapons and for the first time he realized that his servant didn't complained or teased him with his usual sarcastic remarks. His gaze turned worrisome when he noticed the frail body which could've been swept by the smallest gust of wind or the hollowness of his cheeks and the dark color under his eyes. But what shook him up was the missing light in those blue orbs. He chastised himself for being so oblivious to his friend. The rest of the day Merlin succeeded in dodging his attempts at talking and the king resigned himself into talking with his friend in the morning.

That night after eerie silence was set, Merlin snuck past the sleeping form of his master and travelled to the clearing outside the citadel. He wanted answers. He needed answers. The flapping of wings was heard right before the great dragon landed gracefully bowing his head and receiving the same greeting.

"What is it young warlock? You look troubled". Merlin raised his head toward the sky and for the first time since this started happening he let his guard down let all the sorrow, all his worries reflect through him.

"I am tired, old friend. I'm not wounded yet my body aches, I feel weak, I feel my energy, my life force slipping away and my magic is weak and it gets worse as each daylight gives way to the night. What's happening to me?" Merlin's voice broke on the end, all his fears coming forth. The dragon sighed knowingly and the boy knew he won't like his words.

"You are magic, young warlock, you can draw power from everything surrounding you, and the core of the magic is you. That means you can draw power from within, and I'm afraid with the witch's power growing you draw too much power from within and now the magic can't heal you or itself. Your body will drain faster till you'll fade away". Merlin was expecting the worst but still blanched, thinking that his own life source might be his undoing.

"You will need to travel to the place where magic was born, you need to travel to the crystal Cave and let your body heal. But beware young warlock; the cave can heal you as it can also destroy you. "The dragon flew away as his words hung heavily over the boy. He was aware of the cave as he remembered the last time he entered it. But he couldn't let it ruin him, he needed to be able to help Arthur, so with his mind set the boy began preparing for his departure knowing damn well he might just be his last.

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