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The brick walls reached the sky. There was mud and ivy covering the bottom, but no crack, no hole, no evidence that this walls defended a new world inside. And what a different world it was. No quiet, no land to harm, no animals wandering around. No, this wasn't a village anymore, this was a town. This was big, resistant houses; this was people having jobs, being employed. This was shops and elegant clothes, nobility and charm. This was sound and talking every moment, every daylight. This was brick roads and clean alleys. This was ornaments and traditions. This was the new life.

'Welcome to Camelot, Merlin!'

Noises caught the boy's attention; voices, everyday life still happening. He emitted a sound like a growl and opened his eyes. The warm light seeping through the small hole in the wall, blinded him and made him close his eyes again, cursing five ways to hell. He tried again, this time opening a half lid before deemed it good enough. He scanned the room, happily realizing it was his room in Gaius's chambers.

He smiled softly when he figured he missed his small bed and the tiny room. He missed hearing the old man preparing God knows what disgusting potion. He missed waking up to the energy of the citadel.

The wooden door creaked open, announcing the visitor and Merlin engulfed him in strong hug faster than lighting. He laughed so openly, so relaxed so joyful that tears started leaking down his cheeks.

"Oh, my boy. Does that mean you're better?" The old man questioned laughing. His entire demeanor changed, like a heavy weight lifted from his heart when he heard the movement in the room.

"I missed you so much, Gaius" he retreated back at arm's length but couldn't wipe the joy off his face.

"Merlin?" Gwen looked confused and frozen on the spot before embracing Merlin even tighter than Gaius. The boy could barely breathe, but he was happy. If he didn't know better he would think he'll burst from so much happiness.

"Oh my God, we thought you'll never wake up." Merlin barely understood the words between the queen's tears.

"Wake up? I just went to sleep la-"Merlin stopped talking and felt himself unable to move. Everything rushed up to him like a wave almost knocking him over: Morgana, the battle, Mordred, Aithusa, and Arthur. He looked around again but his mind draw a blank. His eyes found Gwen's first, then Gaius's over the queen's shoulder.

"What happened? Where's Arthur? And how did we get back so fast?" his voice was calm, though worry was eating at him from the inside.

The two turned and looked at each other as Gwen released Merlin's shoulders. The boy dreaded what their mouths will speak.

"Merlin, what do you remember?" Gaius'a words were spoken carefully as to not scare a wounded animal. Panic started setting in. Did he fail? Was Arthur gone? He couldn't be. They defeated Morgana and Mordred was gone as well.

"Everything up until I started getting the shard out of Arthur's wound. Is he all right? Did I got it out?"

"My boy, we've been back in Camelot, seven nights now." Gaius sneaked a glance at a still crying Guinevere. "And Arthur's fine."

"Merlin, you ran away after you healed Arthur; you disappeared. We found you passed out in a clearing away from the camp." The boy absorbed the news with wide eyes.

"I-I-I don't remember anything."

"My boy, I think everything was too overwhelming and you closed off. The magic protected you the only way it knew." Merlin listened and tried so remember, but everything was dark. The young warlock resigned himself with the missing part, but he still had a question he was sure they could answer.

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