Chapter 1: A Child Is Born

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It had been about a month and a half since Jonathan had been born.  Things had settled down since then.  Victoria had been going home more often now to get some rest.  Melanie had been resting every chance she got as well, since it was near her due date.  Melanie still wanted to be careful since having that one episode a few months ago.  She didn't want to have what happened to her first baby happen now.  Especially since she was getting so close.  Her due date was a few days away.

Since Anthony had been called into work, as there was another case that had come in, Melanie was home alone by herself.  With him gaining a new case, she had been a bit worried that he wasn't going to be able to make it on time for when the baby was to be born.  Feeling a bit tired, Melanie had decided to lay down on the couch and take a small nap.  She was able to sleep for a half an hour before she jolted awake with a small gasp, as she started to feel some pain.  Her heart began to pound fast as she realized what was going on.  Her water had just broken, she was starting to have contractions, and of course, just as she had been worried of..  Anthony was stuck at work.

Thankfully, Melanie had remembered to bring her phone with her and she had set it on the couch laying next to her.  She reached for the phone and dialed for Anthony's number.  Please pick up, please pick up.  Melanie let out a small sigh when she heard him answering on the other end.  "Mel?  Is everything okay?"  He asked.  Melanie could hear the worry in his voice.  And of course they were both well aware that the due date was coming up quickly.

"Tony?  I..  I think it's time."  She mumbled as she felt another contraction.  "How fast can you make it?"  She said as she began to take some deep breaths.  Anthony stayed silent for a moment as he had been caught off guard.  He was ready of course, but it still surprised him, for he was ready, but he wasn't.  "Are..  Are you sure?"  Melanie rolled her eyes at his question.  "Of course I'm sure!  I'm pretty sure I would know when it's time!"  She snapped without meaning to.

"I'll be there.  Call the ambulance if you think you need to."  He said quickly before he went to grab his keys and headed out of the building.  Anthony managed to get there on time.  He quickly grabbed the suitcases and put them in the car.  "Alright let's go."  He let his arm wrap around Melanie's before quickly making their way to the car.  Once the two of them were in, he headed towards the hospital.

Anthony had let Victoria know they were on their way to the hospital and that Melanie was about to have the baby on the drive there.  So she was at least aware.  He had let Levi know before leaving.  So he was sure he had already texted Victoria, but just in case.  Just as Anthony figured, Victoria was waiting by the entrance when they came in.  "Is there anything I can do to help?"  She asked as one of the aids got a wheel chair for Melanie.  Anthony shook his head as he made his way to the nurses station to get checked in.  "Thank you but no.  We should be fine."  He smiled glancing at her.  "You can head back to Jonathan. I'll let you know when the baby is born."

Victoria nodded.  Anthony could see the worry on her face, he gently placed a hand on her shoulder.  Giving her a smile.  "She will be just fine."  He then quickly made his way down the hall to the delivery room.

What seemed like ages to Victoria, but it had only been an hour and a half.  Victoria finally received a text from Anthony while she was in the ICU room with Jonathan.  She glanced down at the text giving a smile.  Melanie has had her baby and they both were doing great.  Victoria glanced over just as she heard the door opening to see Levi.  She gave him a smile getting up and slowly walking over to him.  Letting her arms wrap around her.

For a minute this worried Levi and he thought something had gone wrong.  He wrapped his arms around Victoria in return.  "Melanie had her baby."  She said glancing up at him.  She had noticed the worried look form on his face.  Levi let out a small sigh.  "Do you know what they had?"  He asked.  Victoria glanced at her husband nodding.  "They had a girl."  "Did you have a chance to go see her yet?"  Victoria shook her head.  "I plan to, but I figured she could use some rest first, and I wanted to give the two of them some time alone."

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