Chapter 3: The Other Woman

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Clarissa had been waiting for quite some time now at the restaurant.  She glanced at the time a few different times.  Perhaps she had heard Anthony incorrectly on when they planned on meeting.  She let out a small sigh feeling a bit embarrassed that she had been ditched.  But she was also a little worried.  This wasn't like Anthony for to be late.  She suddenly became worried that something had happened.  She got up leaving the restaurant and headed to her car making her way to Anthony's apartment.  She knocked on the door a few times, but didn't hear anyone inside.  Clarissa narrowed her eyes a little knocking once more at the door.  "Are you looking for Anthony Clark?"  Clarissa turned slightly to see one of his neighbors standing by his door.  "Yes as a matter of fact I am.  I don't suppose you can't tell me where he is?"  The neighbor looked reluctant at first but decided to say in the end.  "He is at the hospital with his girlfriend.  She just had a baby.  They will be there overnight yet.  He asked me to keep an eye on things here while he was gone."  Clarissa suddenly felt angry.  Girlfriend?   Baby?  She had to of heard incorrectly.  "Thank you."  The neighbor nodded.  "Of course."  Clarissa left the apartment without another word, then made her way towards the hospital.  Someone sure had a lot of explaining to do.

Anthony made his way back to the room not long after with both his and Melanie's meals.  Melanie had been rather bored and anxious.  She wasn't used to being in bed this long except for when she had the scare earlier on in her pregnancy, and she was put on bed rest for a while.  As Anthony walked in the room, he noticed that Melanie was focused on glancing out the window.  She was nervous of what she wanted to tell him.  "Is everything okay?"  He asked.  Melanie glanced over as she heard Anthony's question giving him a small smile.  "I am fine.  I guess I was just doing some thinking."  Anthony stepped further into the room grabbing his chair and setting up the bed tray for Melanie, so she could get her food as well.  Anthony glanced at her as he finished getting the food settled so they could eat.  "What about?"  He asked curiously though he was sure it was due to her and Victoria's earlier conversation.  Anthony could see Melanie looked hesitant before responding.  "Oh, just random things.  That food smells really good."  She said hoping it would change the subject for now.  Melanie was nervous.  She still wasn't quite sure how to tell Anthony.  She needed more time to think of a way to say what she wanted to say.  Anthony chuckled, noticing that she had changed the subject on purpose.  "Well of course it's not all that great.  It's hospital food.  But I suppose it will do."  Melanie laughed.  "Well I guess it only smells good to me because it's been awhile since I ate."  She gave a small grin.  Anthony grinned back nodding.  "Perhaps."

Melanie watched as Anthony sat down.  She was hesitant just to tell him now.  Now is not a good time.  She thought.  It's never a good time.  Just tell him now before you change your mind again.  As Melanie heard the familiar voice inside her head, she narrowed her eyes.  It had been awhile since she heard it, and she thought that it had gone away.  But it still seemed to be lurking.  I thought I had gotten rid of you.  She stated.  Nope.  I never go away.  I'm your conscience.  I'll always be here.  Great.  Melanie thought.  Anthony noticed the small action and was ready to say something when a knock came at the door.  "Am I interrupting something?"  Audrey asked.  Noticing that they seemed to be deep in thought.  The two of them looked over at the her smiling as they saw that she had brought Beth over to them.  "No no.  You're fine.  We were just getting ready to eat is all."  Anthony stated.  Audrey nodded.  "She woke up and was sort of whiny, so I was figuring she might be hungry or that maybe she wanted one of you two.  It's been a few hours so I thought you might like to spend some more time with her."  Audrey smiled.  Melanie grinned nodding her head.  "I would love to."  "I can come back for when you're done eating."  She said noticing that they had just gotten settled with some food.  Anthony shook his head.  "We will be fine.  I can hold her until Mel is done eating."  Audrey nodded walking over to Anthony, gently passing Beth over to him.  "Besides, he needs to learn how to hold her and stuff for if I have to go out for the day shopping or something."  Melanie smirked teasing Anthony as she watched Audrey place Beth into his arms.  Audrey chuckled.  "Well I am sure he will do just fine.  I have seen it a few times.  He already does well with her."  Melanie raised her eye curiously suddenly getting a bit jealous.  "Oh?"  Anthony glanced at Melanie noticing her sudden change of tone.  "I snuck off to the nursery a few times when you were sleeping to see her."  Melanie nodded then grabbed her sandwich to start eating as she was anxious to hold her daughter again.  Once Audrey saw that things were taken care of, she left to give the three of them some more time alone.

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