Chapter 12: Accepting the Truth

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Melanie let out a small sigh once she made her way back into Anthony's apartment. Taking a look around. She had only been gone for a little over a week, but to her it felt like longer. Anthony had remained quiet most of the trip, allowing for Melanie to let everything sink in. He had thought a few times to strike up a small conversation with her to make small talk, but he knew that Melanie was going to need time to think things through, that she needed her space. Anthony was still worried that if he brought the subject up, he would freak her out, and Melanie would have changed her mind once again. He glanced over at her as he watched her scanning the place. Giving a small grin. "Home sweet home." He teased attempting to lighten the mood. Attempting to at least try and make some small talk. He hated the silence. He had remained quiet hoping that it would allow Melanie some time to start up the conversation first. But she didn't. Kicking himself for the words as Melanie looked over at him with a raised brow. Perhaps that wasn't the best idea. He thought to himself.

Melanie grinned before responding back. "Something like that. I did enjoy spending some time with my parents, catching up with them, but it is good to be back here.. In Tennessee." Melanie had been tempted to say back with Anthony, but she wasn't quite ready to say those words yet. She didn't want to say them out loud. She never would admit it but she would've missed Tennessee when she had planned on leaving for good, and she would've miss Anthony, along with their daughter. Anthony smiled. "I am glad that you chose to come back here." Melanie took a deep breath. She was hoping that with speaking out, it would of left a window opportunity for Anthony to say his piece as well, for them to talk. But he didn't seem to take the hint. So Melanie spoke again. "When I planned on leaving my parents, I didn't have any intentions of coming back here. I was planning on making them think I was, then going somewhere else entirely." Anthony looked at Melanie giving her a small nod. "I know.." She watched as Anthony walked over to Beth's car seat, getting her out. She slowly walked over to him. "Did you need help with anything?" Melanie changed the subject. She knew they were going to have to talk at some point as her parents said. But it seemed Anthony didn't want to. And Melanie was nervous. Plus she didn't really want to either, but she had figured she could at least try, get it out of the way. Perhaps Melanie knew it wasn't the best time to talk with Beth being there. If they talked, it would only start an argument, and Melanie was tired. She was sure Anthony was too. Melanie was hoping they could pick one night for Victoria and Levi to watch Beth, so they could talk alone to discuss things. Anthony slowly stood back up once he had a hold of Beth. "No thank you I am fine. You have had a long few days yourself. You should get some more rest." Anthony was a bit cooler than he needed to be when speaking. But he didn't want to get too attached again to her only for her to take off running again. He didn't want Beth to get attached to Melanie only for there to be a chance for Melanie to leave her, ditch her. Of course he had asked Melanie to marry him, to come back with them. However, he was debating if it was a mistake or not. For now, he was doing it mostly for Beth, so she would have both parents there to care for her, and not have to think that her mother wanted to abandon her. He didn't think Melanie would ever truly care for them the way he wanted her to. But at least by doing this she was still here. At least he got her to confess that she wanted to stay and be with her daughter.

Melanie shrugged noticing the coolness in his tone. She was slightly taken aback by his action. She knew that they had some things to work through, but Melanie had assumed that they were taking some steps forward. She had confessed, Melanie had hoped that Anthony would be more excited. She looked over at Beth to see that she had woken up, and was looking up at her father. "Can.. I take her for awhile?" She seemed a bit hesitant to ask with Anthony seeming to give her the cold shoulder. She felt a bit awkward. "Sure, I can get this stuff put away." Once Melanie had a hold of her daughter, she walked over to the couch, sitting down with her while Anthony went to get the car seat and the rest of the things put away. He glanced over watching as Melanie made her way over to the couch with her daughter. Joining them once he had finished getting everything settled. "How is it going?" He asked. Melanie was watching her daughter, getting lost in her own world as she watched her, smiling as she was simply watching Beth laying in her arms, staring back up at Melanie to study her. She turned her head to look at Anthony. "It's.. Going good I think.." Anthony nodded remaining quiet as he watched the two of them.

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