Chapter 2: A Changing Heart

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Once Victoria had checked on Jonathan to see that he was okay.  She decided to make her way over to Melanie's room to see how she and her goddaughter were doing.  As Anthony now was here at the hospital with Melanie, Levi had to go into the station and work for a few hours.  But he would be back later, then the two of them would go to visit with Melanie again and see Bethany.

After Victoria got to Melanie's room, she knocked at the door to let her friend know that she was there.  Melanie had been resting and opened her eyes as she heard the knock at the door.  "Come in."  She said quietly.  Anthony had just left a few minutes ago to head to the station since Melanie was going to sleep.  Victoria stood at the door as she opened it seeing Melanie laying down.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you.  I can come back if you were resting."  Melanie smiled shaking her head.  "You're fine, I was awake anyways."  She lied.  Victoria raised her eye, having a feeling otherwise but slowly stepped inside the room, closing the door behind her.

"Where's Anthony?"  She asked grabbing one of the chairs to sit down.  "Since things were going okay here, he wanted to go down to the office to check on some things.  How has Jonathan been doing?"  She asked.  Melanie felt bad about not being able to go down to the ICU to visit, but of course, her friend knew the obvious reason why she couldn't.  And once Melanie was released, she planned on stopping down to see him.  She had already missed him and it's only been a day since she had seen him.  "He's doing better."  Victoria smiled.  "He still has a ways to go, but he's doing better.  I feel like I have some room to breathe.  That I don't have to be so worried.  I mean, I know that he's going to always have some risks.  But he's a lot better than where he was a month ago, now that he's had surgery.  I felt like, if I left, something bad would happen.  Then I'd of felt guilty if I wasn't there when he needed me."

Melanie smiled.  "I am glad to hear that.  I didn't ever want you to have to go through what I went through.  I know that I probably didn't help, when it came to causing some of that stress.."  Melanie began to ramble.  Victoria glanced at her friend giving a slight shake of her head.  Placing her hand gently over Mel's.  "Melanie, none of it wasn't your fault."  Victoria gave Melanie's hand a small squeeze.  Melanie glanced back at her friend giving a small nod.  "I know, but I still can't help but feel some responsibility."  Victoria smiled a little.  "Well, if it is anyone's fault.  It is mine.  I brought the stress upon you.  As I said.  You were right.  I shouldn't of nagged you like I did.  You weren't ready.."

Melanie grinned a little.  "It's not your fault Victoria."  She hesitated a bit before continuing.  "As you know already.  We had actually run into each other before you two even set us up.  We didn't know who each other was until we met at the barbecue.  We had thought that we had stood each other up on that date.  But in all honesty.  We were together on that date.."   She admitted.  Victoria looked surprised.  "You were?"  Melanie gave a small nod.  "Since we didn't have a picture of each other to see what the other looked like.  He was sort of sitting at a table across from me, and let me tell you he was quite annoying."  Victoria laughed shaking her head.  "He is very persistent."  Victoria stated.  Melanie grinned a little.  "Yes he is.  But..  I can tell you that..  It may have paid off in the end.  Even back then.  When we were on that date.  I could sort of sense something, which scared me.  So I ran off.."  Melanie let the sentence trail off.

Victoria raised her eye as she listened to Melanie.  She had remained quiet to see if her friend was going to continue on but she didn't, so Victoria decided to say something.  "You do care about him don't you?"  She asked watching for Melanie's reaction.  Melanie glanced at her friend taking a deep breath.  She did care for him.  She thought she could even love him.  But she was afraid still to say anything.  Melanie nodded for her answer.  "Yes."  She said quietly.  Victoria gave a small smirk at her friend's answer.  She had been very well aware of it for the last few months.  She could see the change in her friend's actions and personality when she was with Anthony or if they were talking about him.  Victoria just wanted Melanie to admit it out loud.

"Does he know?"  Victoria asked.  Melanie bit her lip shaking her head.  "No, he doesn't.  At least i don't think he does."  Victoria leaned back in her chair as the two of them visited.  "You need to tell him."  Melanie glanced at Victoria suddenly growing nervous at her friend's words;  Victoria let out a small sigh seeing Mel's actions.  "Mel..  It is going to be fine.  Give him a chance.  I can see how you two are together.  You two just need to get over your stubbornness.  You love him.  I can see how much he cares for and loves you.  Tell him.  Tell him Mel.  Because if you don't, then it's going to be too late and you will lose him.  Tell him before it's too late." 

Melanie let out a sigh in return at Victoria's words.  Remaining quiet a few minutes as she battled some thoughts out in her head.  "I, I know I need to.  I will.  I plan on telling him."  Victoria stared at her friend.  "Do you?  Do you really?  Or are you still planning on bolting?"  Melanie bit her lip at Victoria's words.  She didn't blame her friend for saying them.  She guessed she sort of deserved them.  It was one of the reasons as well besides being afraid, that she hadn't told Anthony her true feelings yet.  Because she was going to move after this.  She had found a hospital to apply to and was waiting to hear if she'd get an interview.  "I'm, I'm not sure."  She muttered.

Anthony had just been outside the door as he heard the two girls speak.  He knew he shouldn't be eavesdropping, he usually didn't.  But when his name had been brought up, he had been rather curious.  He gave a small grin to himself as he heard Melanie admit allowed.  His plan had worked, in a way.  However, unfortunately it sounded like she still planned on moving.  But at least now he knew the truth.  Anthony took a few moments to compose himself.  He couldn't let Melanie know of what he learned, or she would shut him down again.  He didn't want that, they had been doing really good this last month.  He had managed to at least get her to be his friend.  If he said anything to lead her on to that he knew, Anthony was sure it would only freak her out again.

Anthony took a few deep breaths before knocking at the door.  Victoria was going to speak when she heard the sound of knocking.  She got up and made her way over to open the door, smiling when she saw Anthony.  "Anthony, come in."  Once Victoria made her way over to sit down, Anthony followed her inside closing the door behind him.

"How is everything going?"  He asked.  The two girls glanced over at him.  "They're going good."  Melanie stated.  "Is everything okay?"  Anthony stood near the door still studying the two girls closely.  "Everything is fine."  Victoria gave him a small smile.  "I will let you two visit.  I should get back to see how Jonathan is doing."  "You don't have to leave because I came."  Anthony stated.  Victoria shook her head.  "No no.  It's fine.  We got some good visiting in.  I have been stayed away from Jonathan long enough.  I should go check on him."  Anthony nodded.  "I will come to check and visit with him later."  He smiled.  Victoria nodded saying goodbye to the two of them before exiting the room.

Once Victoria left, Anthony walked over to take the chair she had been sitting in glancing over at Mel.  "Did you get your nap in?"  He asked.  "Not really.  Victoria stopped by shortly after you left."  Anthony nodded.  "Well, I didn't get anything to eat yet for lunch.  I can leave so you can rest some more.  Did you want me to bring you back anything?"  Melanie tilted her head a bit trying to think.  "I could use something to eat."  She nodded.  "But you don't have to leave.  I am fine honestly."  She smiled.  Anthony glanced at her.  "I still am planning on getting something for lunch even if you don't choose to rest."  He grinned.  "I'll be right back alright?"  Anthony glanced at her looking hesitant at first before reaching his hand out and gently placing it over her arm.  Melanie looked at him giving a small smile.  Feeling her heart pound slightly at his touch.  "Alright."  The two stared at each other a few more seconds silently, before Melanie decided to speak up.

"When you return..  There is something I need to tell you."  She said a bit shyly.  This got Anthony curious.  Though he heard her and Victoria's previous conversation about him, he was sure it had something to do with that information.  But he could sometimes never tell with Melanie, as she easily changed her mind.  So he didn't want to get his hopes up too much.  Anthony nodded.  "Alright.  I'll be back.  It shouldn't take too long"

Melanie nodded her head watching as he exited the room closing the door behind him.  Once he had left, Melanie sunk back down under the covers, laying her head on the pillow, then closed her eyes to take a small nap while she waited for him to return.

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