Vampire Knight

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      I ran as fast I could, even though my vision is a blur I know I'm chased by something unknown. Something that is able to kill me instantly. I don't want to die... I don't want to die... I DON'T...!!
        "Miss, excuse me miss..." I felt something tap my shoulder. I slapped their hand off. "MISS THE CAFÉ IS CLOSING!" And that person slammed their hand on the table next to my head. Shocked I woke up quickly almost falling off my chair. The person sighed and held the chair so I wouldn't fall. "I'm so sorry, I've been falling asleep at your Café so many times already..." I said to the waitress when I saw her face. I push my hair on my face to the back of my ear. Trying to recollect myself and seem like a decent person. "It's fine, but can you please hurry up and pay? We are closing..." The waitress said with a annoyed face. I gave the waitress my money and went out. Before I could step completely out the Café I heard something. Come back love, we aren't done. I turned and the waitress gave me a confused look. What the hell... I thought to myself, "I'll be back tomorrow~" I told the employees at the café shop.
       I walked out and the dark street just seemed so beautiful. The lights dimming on each corner of the streets like it's telling me to follow it. I wish there was someone to walk with... I walked half way down the street and felt a sudden weakness. I must call a cab, I feel so weak. I dial for a cab but my phone suddenly froze, sigh... My luck is so bad. I continued walking but then I felt a presence behind me. I turned quickly! "WHO IS IT?! SHOW YOURSELF!!" I yelled. I'm scared...I'm scared... I'm scared... The words kept going around in my head. Suddenly a dark figure grew out of my shadow. I collapsed in fear. Covering my eyes with my hands at what I was too scared to see. I screamed as loud as I could, "H-Help... S...Some..On—.." I was so frightened I realized my voice wasn't strong.
        I froze in fear, but then I remembered. I have a powder my grandmother gave me and she said when you are in danger and the evil come rush for you, use this powder and throw it at them. Remembering it, I let go of my hand from my face while my eyes are shut tight scared to look at what might be seen. I rummaged into my purse for that powder. I felt a presence growing closer and closer. Using my last will power I managed to get the powder. I got it out as quick as possible. Open up the bottle and started throwing the powder everywhere. I felt a tap on my shoulder. Being shocked I turned and kicked what ever was there with my leg. I heard a groan. I opened my eyes. Only to see a young looking man.
      "WHO ARE YOU? WHAT DO YOU WANT? I will not allow you to kill me!!!" I told as I walked a little bit back and grabbed a piece of wood on the streets. "STOP INTERROGATING ME!" The young man yelled at me. I froze, "HOW DARE YOU, What do you want? Huh? Answer me before I call the police." The young man laughed. "How stupid, how can you talk to someone like that when you don't know anything about them." He chuckled. "I KNOW THAT YOU... YOU... YOU TRIED TO DO SOMETHING!" I angrily snap at him. "I'm the one who froze your phone, you a idiot. Also with all this screaming there should be someone who at least heard you right? But guess what? They don't, because of my magic." He wittily replies back to me. "THEN WHO ARE YOU?" I asked. He sighed, "I'm the vampire knight. I came here for the Blah Blah Blah ba Blah what ever name enchantress or what ever, to help the other world regrow again." I tried to hold my laughter in. I burst out laughing, "HAHAHA I HAVEN'T GOT ENOUGH SLEEP? OR ARE YOU ON SOME DRUGS? HAAAAA! I'm calling the police..." I took out my phone. Before I could dial 911, he ran (more like flew) to me and got my phone. "I don't think so..." He whispered in my ear. His voice echoed in my head and then his lips went on my neck. I can feel his lips parting then a 2 sharp sting in my neck. My vision started to blur then I felt my body getting weak. I felt my body about to collapse until he caught me. "Good night my lady, let's wake up to a better place..." My vision catching a glimpse of the vampire knight smirking and sighing while a little bit of my blood is stained on his lips carrying me up. But then it went dark. I think I passed out...

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