His Words

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"Wake up, this lady...WAKE UP!!" I jumped from the voice. I whined and rubbed my eyes. The person from the voice pinched my cheeks. "Stop....!" I opened my eyes. I realize I'm not in my bed. The room was huge, I was on a couch. The owner of the voice was that Vampire Knight. He looked at me with a very pissed off face. I immediately stood, "WHERE AM I???" I asked him. He sighed, "You're at my mansion... since you wouldn't cooperate yesterday." I laughed, "I must still be dreaming." I shake my head in disbelieve. He yawned. I asked, "Did you not get any sleep?" He look at me like he was about to kill me, "What do you think? You were screaming, and talking about someone chasing you." He scoffed. I was very offended because it was embarrassing to hear how you act when you sleep from another person. "Well it's not my fault!" I told him off. He looked at me very offended. He drew his face closer to mine. He said in his low tone voice, "It is your fault, how will you make it up?" He looked straight into my eyes. My body became hot and my face flushed. He could tell I was blushing and gave a smirk. He drew his face even more closer. Acting like he was about to eat me up he smiled with his fangs showing. I quickly retreated and hid my face behind the blanket.
He pulled away and laughed, "I won't do anything to you my lady. Just get ready, we will be heading off." He threw some clothing at me. "I made it especially myself so you have no say on how it looks." He slightly blushed. I didn't know how to feel and just stood there. "What are you doing? Get ready!" He commanded me. I mumbled, "Can you get out then?.. I'm going to change..." He didn't hear it and asked, "what did you say?" I got shy and said in a louder voice, "Get out, I'm going to change!" He now get the memo and quickly turned and walk out the door, "My apology..." he quickly said.
I changed and then went out the door were he stood in front waiting for me. He quickly looked at me up and down, taking my body in his brain. He mumbled, "Tasty blood and her body look tasty..." I only heard tasty and asked him, "Tasty What? Are we having breakfast?" He flashed a smile, "Yea... you." He said teasingly. Though I know it's a joke it made chills run down my back since it could be true. He signaled me to follow him. We walk down a beautiful long staircase. Above was sparking chandelier. As we walked he said, "Once we eat breakfast, I'll tell you why I came for you my lady." He suddenly grasp my hand, rubbing it. He said, "I missed this feel..." and gave me a gentle smile. His smile felt so comforting I almost wanted to hug him. Then I snapped out of it and shook his hand off, "What are you doing?" He chuckled, "You'll know once we talk at breakfast." We arrived on the first floor and he lead me in front of a grand door.
He opened the door. When I walked in there was a huge table and so many food on it. It was like a feast, it wasn't like a 'breakfast'.... He then walked in behind me then walked to the table. He pulled me a seat and commanded me to sit. I went and took a seat. He then proceeded to sit on the opposite side of me. I couldn't look at his face because I could feel his gaze. I could feel his energy. He asked me, "Why can't you look at me?" I didn't reply, I don't know why. He commanded me to look at him. I slowly tilted my head up. The moment I look up our eyes met and I just seemed so lost in his eyes. He then told me, "I miss your eyes, I miss you, I miss how you feel, I miss your sweet voice." In confusion I stood from the chair, "What?!" I slammed my hands on the table. He sighed, "I know that you don't remember anything except the moments when you were at the human world. The reason why you can't remember your childhood. Nor how you came to be who you are." I stood in fear my legs becoming weak. How does he know...how?? He asked me, "Do you know your name?" I tried to recall who I am but I couldn't. "No... I don't know who I am..." I replied with my voice shaking... "Do you want me to help you remember?" He asked me with a stern voice. I really want to know who I am... who am I? How does he know me? What is going on?.. "Yes, please help me..." the words drew out my mouth. He stood up and flew to me, so quick I didn't know how he got here.
He gazed into my eyes, he took his hand and careful drew his finger running down my face to my neck. "So beautiful..." He said in a mellow tone. I blushed and pulled away from his intense stare. He then gave a smirk then forced me to look at him using his hands. He gave a passionate kiss and while he did, he carried me up making me wrap my legs around him. I wrapped my arm around his neck. He slowly started to kiss me down my chin. His touch so familiar. He started to kiss my neck then slowly sucking it. A painful yet satisfying little moan drew from my mouth. He smirked and I could feel a little air from his mouth cool my skin. He suddenly licked my neck then bit my neck. 2 soft sting, different from yesterday. My head started to go in a circle. My body becoming light, now I know why he made me wrap myself around him. He held me in the position. I started to see flickering. My sight slowly becoming dark but there's small sparks. I breathed heavily from the weird feeling. He assured me everything will be okay by pulling me even closer in his grip.
My vision went black then a small line of light drew out. Suddenly I had a vision. It was me around 3 or 4 walking into a building. The main entrance hall exactly like the one here. It seem like my father. He led me to a door exactly like the one the Vampire Knight led me to. The little me opening the door, walking to the table. Sitting at the exact same seat. Across me is a young boy who smiled at me. "Hi my Lady, I'll be your Vampire Knight from now on! I'm Valen Knight the Fourth." The young boy gave a smile. "Hello, I am Muse Walker... I'm delighted to have you as my knight." The little me said with a sad face. The little boy stood from his chair running to me then took my hand and kissed it. "I'm very delighted to have a beautiful princess as my master." The young me blushed. My vision flickered again. Another image came in, I looked around 10 or 12 or so. I ran to the gate. Waving what to be seen my dad leaving. "My child, you are safe here, dad might not be back but as you know it's our duty." I nodded with tears running and he went off with a group of warriors. The young boy from before but older now came and patted my head. I gave him a hug and he comforted me.
The images went in a blur and another scene came in. I was on the ground while Valen fought a group of people who seemed as they were trying to kill me. "Valen!!!! Valen!!" I yelled as someone from the back ran up to him about to kill him. He fought them, then I quickly used my magic to help him fight them. Valen took my hand in the middle of the fight when it seemed that we would lose and made something that seemed like a portal. He quickly threw me in the portal, "Valen!!! Valen, NO!!..." I cried as I fell through the portal. Later the vision moved on to a new location. Which seemed like the café that I fell asleep in. Then the vision went dark and I felt weak. I felt someone stroking my head. I opened up my eyes gently, I felt tears running on my cheeks. I started crying more when I saw Valen face. I quickly hugged him, "Oh Valen, how could this happen?" I weeped. He smiled and wipe the tears off my face. "You shouldn't move too quick, since you regained your memory, your powers are coming back." He gently laid me back into the bed. I cling onto him, "I'm scared to be alone..." I told him. He looked surprise. "Stay with me..." I begged him. He nodded and took a seat next to me as I laid onto the bed. He caresses my hand and kissed my hand, "Welcome back my princess..." he whispered. With his touch soothing me, I fell asleep.

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