the Boy and his Wolf (Werewolf! Sammy x Innocent! Wally)[slight Lemon]

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Wally's POV:

     I walked to from school, it was early, and I had to get home before dark, my parents say that a Werewolf lurks into the darkness, hunting, and searching his prey, mostly every parent says to their kids, but I never believe them, its just a saying so that way kids and teens won't sneak out at night, so I hang around a little in the dark, I hang out until 7:05, then go home. I wanted to read a hang out until the time, so I sat on a bench with a street lamp, and read a book, it was a new one, it was a comic series, called Coppers Keepers, funny, but thrilling, it was a new comic that came out this week, but later finished the comic, I looked around, then at my watch, it was 10:15, "Shit!" I grunted, "my parents are probably worried about me!" I then put the comic in my leather backpack, zipped it up, and put it on my back, I then looked around, it gave me the chills, it was dark, lights were dim, and I felt alone.

 I wanted to read a hang out until the time, so I sat on a bench with a street lamp, and read a book, it was a new one, it was a comic series, called Coppers Keepers, funny, but thrilling, it was a new comic that came out this week, but later fini...

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        I walked home, but I felt stalked, I looked behind me but no one was there, I then continued walking home, I looked at the house windows and apartments, all the lights were turned off, I got a bit paranoid, it was so dark and scary, I wanted to scream 'Mom, Dad!' but my mouth trembled, and forced me to whisper, I then saw a figure, a man figure, "E-excuse me...s-sir..." I said, in a normal tone, but it sounded quiet, the figure looked at me, he walked up to me, he was a black male, with a handlebar mustache, his hair was black, but he looked middle aged, "Kid, what are you doing here alone, in the dark, its dangerous!?" I looked at him, he haded a scar on his right eye, and he haded strange equipment, "W-what are you doing?" I asked him, he then said, "Hunting stuff, hunting a Wolf, and a Vampire..." I was confused, but herd of a rumor, that a Vampire took a boy, named Henry, he was never seen again, I then pretended to scoff , and say "Vampires and Werewolves don't exist, there just lies." He looked at me, annoyed , and a little angered "They do, young man, I saw them with my own eyes." he said, I rolled my eyes, "Any proof?" I said, he gave me a picture, it showed a Wolf, walking in a forest (Picture above title) , on the bottom right corner, it said, 'Taken by: Norman C. Polk' I gave it back, but he said "Keep it." I then put it in my pocket, I then said bye, and continued to walk, "Hey wait!" said Norman, I looked at him, "I think I should walk with you...your not safe alone." He said, "Thanks for your kindness, but no thanks...I'll be fine on my own." Norman scratched his head, " safe then..." he mumbled and continued on his way, I then continue to walk, It felt like hours, and I felt tired, but I can't rest, I have to find home, but then a growl alarmed me, and it was behind me, I looked behind my shoulder, and saw Yellow eyes, the thing came closer, it haded brown fur, and he looked strong, but his body was halfly muscular, it then howled at the moon, I became terrified, and began to run, I teared, I could hear the werewolf run after me, "MOM!!" I screamed, "DAD!!"I couldn't stop yelling, "NORMAN!!" I teared up more and more, and screamed, I couldn't stop running, the Wolf was almost behind me, but far enough, I then tripped, I then turned to look, and he was running towards me, I held my backpack, "No, no, no, please!" I begged, the Wolf then walked like an actual wolf,  and it walked towards me, I then squirmed, I wanted to run away, but my whole body locked itself, and I couldn't move, my tears ran as he got close, he growled at me, then he got to close, his snout was close to my face, my heart made my blood roam fast in my veins, I backed away, but he growled at me, telling me to stay, I know I'm going to get eaten he stood up and howled again, I baked away, turned to the Black concrete floor, grabbed my backpack, and dragged myself away from him, but I felt his Paw like hand grab my ankle, and drag me back, I begged for my life, I couldn't stop crying, he then grabbed my backpack, then hold me with his arms, and he then grabbed my collar from my jacket, with his Jaw, (The werewolf was almost tall as a giant, so Wally shoes could barely reach the ground) and grabbed my Backpack with his jaw as well, and ran in to the streets.

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