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You took your job at the DEO very seriously. You were one of the best agents there, second only to Alex. Your job became even more serious when Supergirl started working with the DEO. Especially after you found out that Kara Danvers was Supergirl. This of course made you want to be extra cautious about your job, being very careful about what you were sending her into. Kara was important to you, she knew that. She just didn't know that she never escaped your mind. You were always thinking about her and the way that her eyes sparkled. Her deep love for potstickers and ice cream. The way that she liked to cuddle with you, always wanting to be the little spoon because even Supergirl needed to be held sometimes. You were falling hopelessly in love with her, and she had no idea. It was you who had sent her in to fight Metallo. You had no idea that Lillian Luthor had implanted a kryptonite heart into his body, however, and watched helplessly as Kara was nearly killed. When Clark brought her back to the DEO, you didn't leave her bedside. J'onn tried to pry you away from her, but you wouldn't allow it. You had fallen asleep, your hand tangled with Kara's and your head resting on her bed. Kara's eyes slowly opened, and she removed her hand from yours to wipe the sleep from her eyes. This caused you to wake up, looking at her worriedly.

"Oh my god Kara. I've been so worried." You muttered.

"You're cute when you're worried." She smiled softly at you, slipping her hand back into yours.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have sent you in there. I should've tried to figure out more about him before I let you go after him. I nearly lost you, and I've never been more terrified." You told her, rubbing the back of her hand with your thumb.

"Y/N. Shut up." She said, sitting up.

You obeyed, looking at her curiously. The hand that wasn't intertwined with yours, rested on your jawline. She slid her hand towards her, gripping your chin and pulling you close to her. Her lips landed on yours, making all of your worries disappear. You removed your hand from hers to tangle it in her hair as your other hand rested on the side of your neck, holding her to you. A minute later, you had to pull away for air.

"Am I dreaming?" You asked, a happy smile on your face.

"No, silly. I'm real, you're real, this is real. I guess it took me almost dying to realize that we shouldn't have any regrets, and I would have regretted not telling you how much you mean to me. I have been hopelessly in love with you for months now, and I've just never been able to work up the nerve to tell you. But I don't want to live another day without you being mine." She told you.

"Well, believe me, it was not hopeless because I feel the same way about you. I just wish we both hadn't been so stupid as to not tell each other sooner." You chuckled.

"Well, we have each other now. And that's all that matters." She kissed your cheek.

"Alright you two, no PDA in the DEO. You've both got work to do." J'onn said as he walked into the room.

"Yes sir." You replied heading back to your station, with the feeling of Kara's lips on your cheek never straying very far from your thoughts.

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