Forever would be too soon

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Forever would be too soon

    How could we choose between an honored assassin who is also family versus children whom give us hope for a family. Aveline appeared to have stopped breathing as her mouth hung open and her body went numb. Edward seemed to have sped up compared to her and his state before. Now he inhales more than he exhales and twitches slightly. I wasn’t aware of my state until I attempted to walk towards Edward and the kids. My throat felt rough and heavy as my body became stiff the worst part is none of my organs seem to be working. We…we’re…zombies and the woman just kept her knave personality showing. Her face made me apopelectic but it was the sickening feeling I needed to snap me from my shock. My walk became husk and stiff as I went over and picked up the two children whom spoke before. I sat each of them on my shoulder and turned to face her.

“No.” I said it simply.

“You’re willing to let your ‘grandpa’ die?” Woman responded.

“The deal was to handle your threat. What I decide to do with these kids does not involve you. In short you don’t run us.”

   A silence followed as her face went neutral. I refuse to kill children because some lady finds them to be evil. Edward stood up with a new determination and Aveline as well as she nodded at me. The woman smiled little by little and then busted into full laughter.

“Ah hah ha ha ha! I knew I would like you. Mannered like Aveline but crazy as Edward! Oh the war your mind goes through as you are faced with making decisions. I’ll have that potion for you in about the time of a raccoon!”

“I told you she is crazy.” Ave smiles.

“Crazy hag I need my pay for playing along. Aye?” Edward sits on the couch. “It was so terrible having to waggery my BS4E like that.” He whines.

“You can give me my reward before him.” Aveline adds.

“He’s a pirate and she’s a plunderer.” The woman grumbles in response.

“Can someone explain to me what’s going on?” I ask as I sit with the kids.

    Everyone takes turns explaining their involvement in this trick. The kids listened in shock that their lives were toyed with. My favorite girl hugs my forearm the whole time, everyone jokes and talks as we wait for her to finish. The time seemed to go by fast as we got to know each other. I looked up in shock as a thought raced through my mind. How foolish of me to not have noticed it sooner. The girl was snuggled into my chest as she slept and this moment made me think of little lady, my par excellence. My littler lady calmed my senses as I looked up at Edward who was teaching sailing terms to some kids. Aveline was on the other end of the couch teaching French, and I was teaching a group about wind meanings. I know wind tactics seems lame but something isn’t right about these kids.

“How are we going to get the potion to grandpa?” I ask.

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