Forever His

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I stopped instantly.

A long quiet moment passed and the killer finally turned around to close the door making me sighed in relief. I seemingly noticed that he didn't lock them but just ordinary shut it close. I could ran out of here but only if he agreed to free me from this chair.

"As if he would do that," I frowned as the truth hit me with a bang. "But it wouldn't hurt to try, right?"

I started to whimper as he standing there with his back facing me. I begged and cried for him to release me, hoping he would understand. My small pleading sounds slowly turned into muffled sobs once I heard his dark chuckle echoed through the room.

"He must be thinking of what to do with you, Eve."  My mind spoke cruelly and a cold sensation crept up my spine. I shuddered at the thought and waited for his next move. I didn't want to die. And I didn't want him to torture me either.

"Evie," He sighed as he broke through my mind, stalking toward me with ease. I shook my head instantly hoping the killer would stay away from me, far far away as much as possible. Not understanding or ignoring my reaction, he slowly appeared in front of me and under the limp light above my head, I managed to point out every disgusting feature on his face, clearly.

His carved smile.

His psychotic eyes.

His pale skin.

His bloodied teeth.

I shut my eyes to separate myself with this horrible monster in front of me. I didn't want to see him, I didn't want him here, I didn't want him to kidnap me!

But he already did.

I sobbed louder as I wished everything was just a nightmare or hoped the God would just let me die from a heart attack already.

"Don't go near me! Please don't fücking go near me!" I pleaded frantically as I shook my head again. I could feel his eyes roaming shamelessly over my face and my body. I didn't want him to look at me like this, I looked horrible. My eyes were red and stung from the tears. The once beautiful bun on my head now was hanging loosely on my shoulders and glued around my face. The mascara smeared along my cheek from the tears earlier. I guessed I looked like an ugly monster right now and...

"Who cares?! You are about to die so what's with you and the makeup on your face anyway?" I sadly scoffed. Sometimes I felt like I couldn't act as myself anymore and let everything be. But I was highly doubt that those sometimes would happen to me again. "Unless you seduce the killer with your body and get ou-"

I gasped and broke out of my thoughts when I felt the killer's hand caressed my cheek. He gently stroked it between his fingers with such tender that I didn't believe it was from him. The killer shushed and I swallowed all my sobs down, not wanting to piss him off. He hummed at my co-operation and continued to clean the mascara off my face. Curiosity, I slightly opened my eyes and glanced up to see him through my soaked eyelashes.

Surprisingly, the killer was looking back at me with such... passion in his... horrifying eyes.

"Love? Impossible." I thought to myself and stiffened when I heard him sighed.

"You..." He whispered as he leaning toward my ear making me gasped in surprise. "Are..." Finding my reaction funny, he chuckled and leaned closer until he was a millimeter away from my neck. "Beautiful, Evie."

I shivered at the way he said my name and scooped away from his hot breath. The instinctive action of mine making my neck contacted to his carved mouth and I froze, probably scared shïtless. The touch was slightly tingling and gentle that I can't help but felt nice with his non-existent lips on my skin.

I snapped out of my crazy thought and fear once again overwhelmed me. Oh my God! Did I just like the feeling of him touching my skin?

I felt him chuckled against my neck and the sounds of it vibrating through my body. A wave of hot sensation washed over me and I suppressed a pleasure shudder when I felt butterflies burst inside my stomach. Oh God oh God oh God, this is not good. My body was involuntarily reacting to his commands.

Minutes passed by and the killer still hold me like that for the whole time. I tried to calm my breath down from the scent of blood on his hoodie and can't help but increasing the pumping heartbeat in my chest. Now not only me could hear them clearly, the killer must have heard them too.

5 more minutes passed by and I started to think that he was sleeping on my shoulder. But then he stirred a little and trailed his hand down to wrap them around my waist. I was trying to protest when I found out that he had kneeled down between my legs. Without my realization, he already positioned himself to get comfortable cuddling me.

My breath hitched when he pulled me closer until I could feel my chest pressed to his hard one. I whimpered as he started to kiss my neck lightly, trailing up to my earlobe and nibbled them like they were some precious treat he couldn't dare to swallow.

Remember when I said I didn't want him to kïll me? Well I had considered it again. I'd rather prefer getting killed than being räpe by this killer.

The position was too close and awkward that I didn't know what to respond back. He was keeping a hold of me with one of his arm around my chair and the other stroking my hair. He parted my tied legs with his hips and snuggled closer to me even though I tried to push him away. This killer was crazy! He was acting as if... as if I was his lover!

Goosebumps appeared on my arms and I could feel hairs stood straight at the back of my neck. While I was trying to calm myself from the thought earlier, the killer parted his teeth making the squishy sound and trailed his wet tongue across my bare skin.




I let out a gasp and backed away to the opposite direction so I could stay away from him. His hot saliva was disgusting me and I couldn't help but cried in fear. He stickily licked the sensitive spot before sucking gently on it, surprisingly making me let out a low moan. Groaning in satisfied, he backed up from my face and chuckled darkly.

"You are mine now, Eve. My beautiful little doll," He said lifting my chin and forced me to look at his eyes, "You are so tempting in this white gown. I just want to rip them off so I can savor every inch of your soft skin and hearing you scream for mercy."

The creepy man stroke my hair between his fingers as he said words I've never heard anyone talked to me before. I trembled and waiting for the worst.

Was he going to räpe me?

He shushed and continued to mumble everything about me. Whenever he finished a sentence, he would trail a hot wet lick across my neck or kiss me softly on my collar bones. I cried in disgust but find myself petrified as the killer pointed out a sharp thing right beside my cheek. He trailed the tip of the knife along my left ear to my tied mouth, making me froze still.

The killer grinned in triumph and massage my stiffened body with his hand on my waist. He continued to talk about things and this time, I paid attention.

He whispered in my ears that I was his and his only. That I looked delicious and vulnerable in here with him. That I evilly turned him on. That I was a little naughty kitten playing with him around. But the last part, the last words of his whispering was the one that brought me to freeze like a statue.

"Just like the day when you hugged me in the mall with that little tight dress of yours."

I blinked rapidly digesting his words inside my brain. The mall? What mall? I didn't hug anyo-

I widened my eyes once the realization hit me hard in my head. It was him! I wasn't hugging Shawn when the mall was blackout, I was hugging this murderer!

"Awestruck? My love?" He chuckled as he lowered himself to burry his face in my neck again. I shivered as his hot breath fanned my skin before I felt his teeth grazed against them. Oh God!

I remembered now, the first time when I saw him.

It was Sunday. And it was a very horrible day indeed.

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