Chapter 21

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Princess of dragons student of Zabuza chapter, I have no idea

I yawned again and Naruto pushed me closer to his chest

"sleep"Naruto stated

I wrapped my arms around his waist.And pushed my head more into his Chest so close that I could hear his heartbeat.

I feel asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.I knew I shouldn't of woken up so early I'm not a morning person


Like any other day I was sparing Haku the usual,he threw needles at me and I dodged I had got use to his needles coming towards."Secret justu"he "No Haku not that crap " was my response Mirrors made of ice surrounded I face palmed everyday the same old thing.I close my eyes "spirit of the rising dragon" I whispered and soon on Que a dragon sprang out of the. Ground I groped on to the scales "fire burst" I shouted and let the fire come out of my hands,the dragon copied me but stronger,the mirrors started to fade but no matter how much I didn't want to admit it I was weak.As soon as there was an opening I let go of my dragons scales and sprinted for the exit with the remaining energy and charka I had left of course not having enough of them.Haku bet me there and welcomed me with another batch of needles but of course he didn't aim for my vital points because there was a high risk of killing me and I'm way to AWSOME to kill.i got lost in my thoughts for a while andI allowed them to hit me "OW"I whimpered griping leg which was now num from the amount of needles that were thrown in there.I tried to pull them out "oh this isn't so bad one little piggy I said pulling out the first needle "two little piggy I said pulling out my second needle"three li..AHHHH"I screamed in pain "sometimes you can be so childish "Haku said "it hurts "I said holding my leg in pain I then started to waterfall cry and when Zabuza came out I pointed to haku "that little piggy hurts"I said pointing a finger at a very pissed of 'little boy'.

Zabuza let out a very long sigh "why me"he then face palmed

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