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My body jolted awake, a gasp echoing in the empty room. I looked around, taking in my surroundings. There was no furniture in the room, only a mattress that I had slept on. My chest rose and fell rapidly, my legs feeling weak as I stood up. I slowly approached the door, my hand wrapping around the door handle. I breathed in deeply, twisting it to find the door unlocked.

Stepping back, the door opened. I was at the end of a hallway, clearly in the basement. I looked down, my feet bare. I have no idea where my shoes are and quite frankly, I don't care enough to try to find them. Taking a step forward, I go to make a run for it. Though just as I do, the man walks down the steps and his eyes land on me. I freeze.

"Where do you think you're going, hm?" He asks, making his way down the hallway towards me. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. "Go sit down. Now." He orders and I do exactly that.

I make my way back to the mattress and sit back against the wall, my knees meeting my chest. Looking at my legs, I realize I'm in a different attire than last night. I am wearing a mint colored night gown. When I pull the collar back, I'm wearing a different set of undergarments. My heart drops.

"Did we.. did you.." I stutter a bit as he joins me in the room, shutting the door behind him. He kneels down in front of me, his hand reaching over to push my bangs out of my face.

"Did we have sex?" He asks my question for me, his hand dropping to the mattress. "Sadly, we didn't. I had one of my dolls dress you." He stands back up and crosses his arms over his chest. I am somewhat relieved but I am still upset. I feel my eyes begin to water.

"Why am I here?" I hold back my emotions as well as I could, though I knew I was failing miserably.

"You fucked up, that's why." He raised his voice slightly but seemed to collect himself afterwards. "I just wanted to fuck you. You definitely aren't.. well my type." His eyes scanned over my body, then back to my face.


"Please let me go. I won't tell anyone, I swear." I begged, sitting up on my knees. I was on the verge of crying and I didn't know how much longer I could hold it back.

"As much as it turns me on to hear you beg, the answer is no. Don't ask me again." He snapped,  lowering his eyes a bit. "Get up." He instructed. This time I didn't listen. "Get the fuck up. It's time for you to meet your roommates." He clenched his jaw. I didn't budge. "Fine. Starve then." He simply spoke before exiting the room. After hearing his footsteps fade, a few tears stained my cheeks.


I felt like I was sitting on that mattress for years. Though it had only been hours. Laying on my side, I faced the wall. I quickly sat up when I heard footsteps once more. These were a lot softer than the man's. Watching the door, it was pushed open. A girl with blonde hair appeared. Pushing my brows together, I stood up.

"Oh my. You sure look different than the rest of us." She squeaked, shuffling over to me and tugging on my hand.

What the hell does that even mean?

She pulled me out of the room and down the familiar hallway. "Where are you taking me?" I ask her, tugging my hand back. She paused, stopping and turning towards me. "Please help me get out of here." Her blue eyes pierced my chocolate ones. I couldn't sense that there was an actual human being looking back at me. She felt, robotic, in a sense.

"Daddy wouldn't like that." She shook her head, grabbed my hand and pulled me behind her once again. This time I gave in. We made our way up a flight of stairs and found ourselves back in the familiar kitchen. There were two more blondes in the kitchen who seemed to be preparing a meal. I squint my eyes, though they soon disappear as I'm brought up another flight of stairs. A group of girls pass us, matching blonde braids. They giggled, looking at me and back at each other.

"This is where you will be staying. I can help you get ready for supper if you'd like!" She offered, closing the door behind her. I looked around the room, parting my lips. The room had four beds, nearly made. There were toys scattered on the floor, children toys. The girl noticed my confusion and huffed. "I told the other dolls to clean their mess up. Daddy would have us in the attic if he saw this."


"Your clothes are on your bed. Daddy likes when we wear our printed dresses to supper." She explained, picking up the dress and handing it to me. I stare at the checkered pink fabric, furrowing my eyebrows. I look around, noticing a window that I could climb out of and make a run for it.

"Do you mind if I open the window? It's a bit stuffy in here." I ask with a smile, walking around her and over to the window.

"Uh, I don't know. The rules are to never open the window." The girl frowns and bites down on her lower lip. I open it anyway, taking a step back. With how strict she is with following the rules, I know she will try to stop me. I clear my throat and turn towards her with a smile.

"It's fine, you see. Barely opened." My feet carry me back over to the bed where I take the dress out of her hands. "You wouldn't happen to have a belt, would you? This is definitely going to be too big." I lie.

She hums and shakes her head. "We can't have belts either. I have string from my knitting, though! Maybe you can tie it around your waist?" She rushes over to her bed, pulling a small suitcase from under her bed. Opening it, she has a ton of yarn. She cuts my a strip and places it in my hand. I almost feel bad for what I'm going to do to the poor girl.

I thank her and take the thick string, chewing on my lower lip. I fold it in half, making the string even thicker and stronger. I tug at it slightly and it feels firm. "I'm so sorry." I whispered, closing my eyes briefly.

"Sorry for w.." I quickly slip the yarn over her head and wrap it around her throat. She instantly starts struggling. I squeeze my eyes shut as I show no mercy, the girl kicking and slapping at my hands. Just as I think she's going to pass out, the string snaps. The girl falls to the floor and begins coughing. I waste no time, instantly sprinting for the window. Though when I get there, it's shut.

I know for a fact that I had it open. And now it wouldn't even open. I look over my shoulder to see the state the girl was in, freezing as I see the man standing in the doorway. I slowly move away from the window, my focus shifting back and forth between the cough girl and angered man.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" His voice boomed through the entire room. He crouched down and tilted the girls head back, revealing a red line of broken blood vessels. He stood back up, eyes burning holes into me.


"Don't say another fucking word." He growled, moving closer to me, slowly but surely. My lips parted, nothing coming out of them. I was terrified. Intently watching me, his hand sudden wraps around my throat. I gasp and step back, hitting the wall. "I should fucking kill you for hurting one of my dolls." His voice was deep, his accent hardly noticeable now.

"I'm sorry." I strain, my heartbeat growing louder in my ears. I could feel my airways closing.

"Sorry? Do you think sorry fixes anything?" He tightened his grip, my hands wrapping around his wrist. I shake my head, tint black dots soon taking over my vision. "You think I didn't see what you did?! I have cameras recording every inch of this fucking place, all hours of the day! Don't you dare think you're going to get away with anything." He yelled in my face, tears now streaming down my cheeks.

His hand drops and I slide down the wall, gasping and coughing. Small sobs worked their way into my cough, the man walking back over to the girl. He scoops her up in his arms, heading for the door. Though he stops and looks back over his shoulder at me.

"And if you think you can slip out of one of the windows, think again. I also control when the windows are locked and unlocked. Guess who just caused the entire house to be on lock down? Get fucking dressed and be downstairs in two minutes." He then slams the door behind him, leaving me alone. I catch my breath, looking around the room a bit.

There's no way I'm getting out of here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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