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Mystia was the least entertained, probably more so then Cullen who was watching her worriedly. He could tell that she felt the suppressed magic in the air, he felt it too, but she would be on her best behavior and was now waiting for the man who was announcing the names of the most important people there to announce her name. Stepping down the stairs as the man named Duke Gaspard walked towards Celene, the man announced Mystia's status and name. "...and accompanying him: Lady Inquisitor Mystia Stella Trevelyan, Former Knight-Captain of Ostwick, daughter of Bann Trevelyan of Ostwick." Mystia felt Cullen's eyes on her and could sense his surprise at her former rank in the Order. Mystia bowed to Empress Celene and the Empress returned it. "Vanquisher of the rebel mages of Ferelden, crusher of the vile Apostates of the Mage Underground, Herald of Andraste herself!" Mystia heard several words between Varric and Dorian and was thankful she had brought them along. She walked towards Celene as the man continued on introducing everyone who had come with her but paid special attention to Cullen's introduction. "Ser Cullen Stanton Rutherford of Honnleath, Commander of the forces of the Inquisition, former Knight-Commander of Kirkwall." As she reached the end, she waited until all introductions were made before the Empress addressed her.

"Lady Inquisitor, we welcome you to the Winter Palace." Celene smiled warmly, "Allow us to present our cousin, the Grand Duchess of Lydes, without whom this gathering would have never been possible." The Duchess bowed and Mystia returned it.

"What an unexpected pleasure. I was not aware the Inquisition would be part of our festivities," The Duchess said sounding most surprised, but Mystia was no fool. She could tell that the Duchess was not happy about the Inquisition being there. "We will certainly speak later, Inquisitor." The Duchess left as Mystia turned her attention back to Celene.

"Your arrival at court is like a cool wind on a summer's day," Celene smiled again as Mystia watched her.

"I am delighted to be here, your majesty," Mystia told her in a very respectful tone.

"We have heard much of your exploits, Inquisitor. They have made grand tales for long evenings." Celene continued to smile and Mystia wondered how much more her face could stand. "How do you find Halamshiral?" Celene asked kindly as Mystia smiled now.

"I have no words to suffice. Halamshiral has many beauties, and I couldn't do them justice." Mystia was honest about that, though like all places Halamshiral had its bad, the parts that were beautiful could be done no justice with words.

"Your modesty does you credit," Celene knew Mystia's words to be true and this time the smile wasn't a plastered on one, it was a true smile. "and speaks well of the Inquisition. Feel free to enjoy the pleasures of the Ballroom, Inquisitor." With that Celene and Mystia bowed to each other again in a minor way. "We look forward to watching you dance." Celene managed a joke with that, everyone knew that Templars did not dance but Mystia had a card up her sleeve for that. Eventually, everyone was able to take their places and Mystia made her rounds, pausing to speak to Cullen quickly and barely caught the end of a conversation that had her trying very, very, hard to contain her laughter.

"Did you just touch my...bottom?"

"I'm a weak man." The Orlesian man said as Mystia asked Cullen a quick few questions before leaving again to speak with Leliana to see what her favorite spymaster was up to. She whispered to Leliana what had happened with Cullen and Leliana's eyes lit up as she too tried to contain her laughter.

"Well, this will certainly turn out to be an interesting night indeed, but just look at those shoes!" Leliana frowned changing the subject as Mystia frowned.

" spymaster is obsessed with shoes, remind me to never take you shoe shopping when I go looking for my next pair of boots to walk around Skyhold in," Mystia said as Leliana smiled sheepishly.

Mystia: The Templar Inquisitor of the InquisitionWhere stories live. Discover now