Luce led Daniel down the school corridor to the class they had both left awhile ago. By the time they had both arrived at the classroom it was completely empty, because they had both been distracted by the fact of what the actual time was. Everyone had gone home for the day and Luce and Daniel were too busy to even keep up with everyone else. So they both decided to crash at Luce's house while her parents were out for the afternoon. They got to her front door unlocked it and had wondered on in thinking they were alone which they were thankfully due to the amount of time to discuss the events of days occurrences. They ran up the stairs heading toward Luce's room in case her parents came home and rudely interrupted their meaningful intense conversation. They both sat on Luce's queen bed holding their hands and snuggled up against each other. Daniel asked Luce if he was able to start off the meaning full conversation while Luce will listen and hopefully take in everything he will say to her. Daniel asked Luce if she wanted to know why he had suspiciously left History class and why he didn't want Luce to follow him but she ended up ignoring him and following him anyway. Luce wanted to know everything she could get out of Daniel before her parents got home. Daniel had told her that the History class they had left was going to be about a topic that Daniel did not want to be apart of and wanted Luce to stay and learn all she could. Because the class topic was immortal colonies and how they used to rule the world. But if Daniel were to stay in this class everyone would be able to see him change because if anyone were to talk about what Daniel really was then they would have a massive problem because Daniel had been cursed if anyone were to discuss who he really was then he were to show his real side which Luce knew and no-one else did was an angel from heaven. So he wanted to try and leave as quickly as possible before that happened, Suddenly Luce slowly put her hand over Daniel mouth so he would stop talking and stop his train of thought. She said looking right into his eye " What curse will the curse apply for me to". Daniel looked saddened and replied " Yes i am cursed but no it hopefully wont apply to you, for the amount of knowledge of i know about it i hope to god it wont apply to you if it does then maybe we will have to not be together again and never see each other". "I don't want to do that Luce protested loudly", "I want to be with you for the rest of my life Daniel you are different from the other guys you understand and you listen and you take in every point taken".