The Final Escapee

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Finally after Daniel was free and Luce got over her wrecking her perfectly good scissors. She and Daniel both headed toward the library entrance but something suspiciously was stopping Daniel from stepping out of the library door. Luce kept trying to pull Daniel out of the door but he kept hitting something was stopping him, Luce and Daniel were both confused to the max of their knowledge basis. Then Daniel tried to think back to what happened when he was getting tied up by his enemy of Outcast Demons from heaven whom were sent by Daniels angelic leader back when he lived in heaven. His leader had mentioned that he wasn't able to leave the sanctuary of where he was getting tied up until he returned back to heaven for all eternity and without Luce because of her mortality. All Daniel wanted in life was to be able to have Luce in his arms with no worry in the world and to be able to kiss her and hold her everyday until his heart stops beating. But Luce felt exactly the same but there was one situation stopping her from being the happiest girl in the world and that was because Daniel the love of her life was not mortal like she hoped he was, In fact he was immortal and Luce knew she couldn't just walk out on him over one small mistake so Luce choice to be with him through everything he needed and wanted for her and him to be happy together. Daniel had one more thing up his sleeve to tell Luce and he wansnt looking forward to what her reaction will be. So he decided and thought to himself when to tell her, when finally he built up the courage and sent her a message saying if shes "busy after class today and if so can they meet up and talk seriously about something".

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