Chapter 4 The Mission

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            I woke up to the smell of chocolate-chip pancakes. Zach knew I’d be hungry, and of course went for the only thing he could make. Pancakes. I realized too late that I didn’t have any clothes to change into. Paranoid, I bolted upright.

            “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty,” Zach said. He was lying on the floor, watching me. His startling green eyes never left my blue ones. “Are you okay?” he asked.

            “Fine. I just realized I don’t have any clothes to change into,” I replied. He thought for a moment.

            “I have a shirt you could wear, and I might have some sweats you could borrow.” It was the best option I had.

            “Sure,” I said. He got up and started rummaging through his drawers and dressers. Zach had never been much of a neat freak. He emerged with the shirt he always let me borrow and the sweat pants I’d left at his house a few days ago. His eyes twinkled with mystery. In spite of what we went through the past few days, a laugh escaped me. He always knew just what to do.

            “Thanks,” I said, still smiling. He laughed.

            “Go change then come eat. I made your favorite.” That only made me laugh harder.

            “My favorite? That’s the only thing you can make!” I teased. He laughed again.

            “Go change.”

            I left the room and found the bathroom. White walls contrasted with the blue shower curtains. The sink and bathroom shelves were surprisingly neat. I could tell they had some sort of organization plan. Then I looked to my left and saw a decently sized mirror. Who knew? I quickly got changed. When I came out I heard more than one voice in the house. Alarmed, I called for Zach. He came running and asked what was wrong.

            “I heard people in the house.”

            He laughed. “Come in the kitchen.” Curiosity ran through me.

        When I got into the kitchen, four familiar faces shouted, “SURPRISE!” I practically ran up to them. Hugging and crying. Elizabeth and Lily almost tackled me into the biggest hug I’d ever had. When I could finally breathe again, Joey was next.

            “I’m so happy you’re alive,” he said. He gave me a huge hug and sent me over to Austin. My closest friend had tears in his eyes. He hugged me as though it was the last one he’d ever be able to give me.

            “When Zach texted me last night, I thought he was joking. Then I realized we don’t joke about death. He asked me if I could come and surprise you. I said yes instantly. I’m glad to have you back.” I was so surprised I couldn’t speak.

            “Thanks,” was all that came out of my mouth. Then of course came the tears. I couldn’t help myself. They poured down my face. “I could be dead right now,” I whispered, my voice cracking with every word. Zach hugged me. He knew exactly how to calm me down. When my tears finally stopped and I could breathe again, Zach let go of me.

            “Now, tell me what happened,” he prompted. I, of course, knew what he was talking about. Everyone else looked at us in bewilderment.

            “Happened?” asked Austin.

            “When I woke up last night, I was in a coffin. So being stupid, I pushed on the lid. And amazingly, it opened. Someone knew I was alive and dug up my grave. So here I am. But I have to find out who did it,” I explained. Everyone looked at me in amazement. I let my words sink in for a few minutes.

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