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She turned her head to the side to get a better look at the diagram that was on the board. But it was her fault however, one being she forgot her glasses and two she sat at the back.

That was a nothing too big however as her main focus was just to do all she could to pass her classes.

Not the yellow and purple bruises on her skin, not the lack of money, not the hollowness she constantly feels in her chest.

Just work, work, work.

And nothing else seemed to matter.


He had learned her name.

But he needed to know more.

He was fascinated with the girl that hides behind books and continuously stared outside at the bright skies and the white flakes that fell upon the ground.

But he didn't see the scars that were covered with sleeves and the hollowness that filled her heart.

But he knew she was weak



And that's why it was so easy to have her.

"Beautiful," he mumbled as she was walking past him.

And her cheeks flushed red because barely anyone seemed to talk to her let alone noticed her.


Harry realized he said his thoughts aloud as she stood in front of his desk with a flustered face, biting inside her cheek.

"Outside," he quickly said. "It's beautiful. The snow... and everything. It's beautiful."

She nodded her head in disappointment. Of course he was talking about something else.

She sat at the back, he sat at the front.

She didn't matter.

And he noticed the sudden drop on her face with a bit of a quiver to her lips and droopy eyes.

"But you know what else is beautiful?" He backtracked.



She blushed.

And he smirked.

And just like that he broke through her barriers like it was nothing and she was more vulnerable than he thought.

So so vulnerable.

"Outside though," she finally said, her heart beat quickening by the second, the more his intense stare was on her. "The snow... it's so pure, you know."

Like her.

"Mhmm.. I'm Harry by the way."


And that's when it all started. A quick conversation about the pureness of the snow and the flushed cheeks and the exchanged of names.

The next it was quick glances as he turned his head to look at the girl at the back of the room.

As she only felt his gaze on her.

And it was always only her.

The girl with caramel skinned and black hair who bit their pencil in the back of class had other problems to worry about unfortunately.

Like where she was going to sleep in the crisp weather after her job and that's all she could think about.

School, work, shelter.

But now in the back of her mind was the ruffled brown hair with pale green eyes whom made her cheeks turn red and heart pound.

"Go out with me," he spoke as it sounded more of a demand than a question.

And she swear she didn't hear it- or she did but didn't expect he was talking to her as she walking past his desk as she always did.

"I-I um. You're talking to me?" She asked quietly because all she could think of was why did he suddenly seem interested in her and out of all people- why her?

"Mhmm." And the way he bit his pink plump lips and how is attention was only focused on her and not the fact that he had practice or go to an appointment or any of that for that matter.

"You barley know me."

"Then let me get to know you."

And yes she wanted that because shes vulnerable and delicate and of course she wanted someone to whisper sweet nothings in her ears that made her cheeks tinge pink and her heart to beat fast.

She was vulnerable

But she was also afraid of being able to love someone.

"Why?" She mumbled the words in a mere whisper and she knew she was late for her next class but she stood gravitated to where he sat.

"Because, pretty girl," he started as he subtly smiled when he saw her cheeks flare and eyes looking down on the floor. "I'm intrigued by you."

And as he stood after he collected his things he took a pen from his pocket, looking up with a clever smirk on his face licking his pink plump lips before moving  away from the desk, stepping closer to her.

And if it wasn't for the wall behind Lenita, she most likely wouldn't be able to support herself by how close he was as he messily scribbled on the top of her notebook.

"Call me sometime, yeah."

But she didn't even get to reply before he was gone and she was left with a scribbled notebook, flustered face with black hair braided in two.

For the rest of the day it was all about struggling to see the screen with scribbles and doodles and work work work along with the memory of flustered cheeks and clever smirks.

And when her classes were done she decided to go home because there was no one other than her mom there and she recently broke up with the man that caused some of the bruises on her skin.

there would eventually be another one.

But for now it was just about going 'home' and not about scribbles and flustered cheeks and clever smirks.

So after taking the bus and walking in the freezing cold with her fingers numb since she forgot her gloves and snow falling and melting on her hair she was finally in warmth.

However that was the only benefits of being at home.

That was the only thing she could rely on as her mom was too far gone in drugs and alcohol and guys and money.

Sometimes the warmth couldn't suppress everything else she was dreading to see and the hollowness in her heart and the loneliness she felt.

So when she sat on her bed to start her homework, she the saw the scribbles and she remembered his pale green eyes and the clever smirks and quick glances.

And that was enough to make her smile.

So she took the house phone and dialled the number because at that point he was the only one that really made her smile.

a.n. I tried. I think I failed. This was my first time writing a chapter in so fucking long so I'm sorry if it sucked.

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