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Lenita didn't know much about dates considering the fact that the most she's done is one night stands that were moments all in a blur filled with meaningless bruises around the chest and neck, the lack of feelings and it was nothing more than to fill ones needs and nothing else but that.

This time however was more than just meaningless nights and bruises and blurred memories with lack of feelings.

And it didn't really matter that her mom was using again and she had to go a motel filled with mouldy bathrooms and dim lights and broken locks.

Because tonight she had a date and she actually mattered to someone and it wasn't about the fact that she had bruises on her and that she was struggling to keep a smile on her face as every day went by.

Harry was pretty nervous himself because he finally got the girl that's been constantly on his mind and wanted nothing more than to feel her lips on his and his fingers laced in hers.

He really wanted this especially since there was barely anyone at home and he was surrounded by emptiness and quiet.

And he hated how the house was so big but the only one he could hear are his echoes and the only one he could see are his shadows.

But tonight would be different as he didn't think about the shadows and echoes and only thought about her brown eyes and pink plump lips and how she was so beautiful to him.

So he hid the fact that he really felt mainly alone in a house that didn't really feel like home and he hid the feeling of loneliness and covered it with the admiration he had for her and wore it with a smile and flushed cheeks.

"Hey," he mumbled to her as he handed her the bouquet of lilies, initially intending to ring the doorbell but he could barely step foot from his car as she practically rushed to it.

"Hi," she said back. "I'm guessing these are for me?" she asked as she smiled, her cheeks flushed matching his.

"Of course, beautiful girls deserve beautiful things," he said and he opened the door, for Lenita, waiting for her to settle in her seat before closing it.

"I wanted to properly greet you," Harry started as he settled in his seat and started towards their destination. "Wouldn't be the proper gentlemen if I didn't meet you at the door."

"Oh..." she trailed off. She didn't want him to know the things she was hiding amongst the inside of the dirty walls, it was too early for him to know. "I was just really excited about tonight," she lied through her teeth and although she was excited to see him, getting ready hours in advance and trying on about five different outfits before finally deciding, it was just an excuse.

"I was excited about tonight- I mean I still am," he corrected himself.

And during these times it was just the beginning so he was trying to wheel her in. She was weak. Vulnerable and she didn't realize that one day the only thing in her dreams she would see is him.

including her nightmares.

But for now it was just their first date and it seemed all innocent with flushed cheeks and cheesy jokes.

"Did I mention that I think you're beautiful," he told her as they sat in the green house filled with different types and colours of flowers.

He just admired her beauty even more.

Lenita hid her face in the palm of her hands. "Only like five times," she mumbled as he laughed at her being so flustered.

"Well it's true," he laughed out as he grabbed her hand in his. "So tell me something about yourself," he said to her.

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