~ Happy New Year 2018 ~ (late) || 13

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Crush X Reader


One-Shot #13
Sorry I'm late. Chemistry is totally kicking my butt and I have had the lack of motivation lately.

"Oh wow! This year flew by so fast!" You heard (B/F/N) yell from beside you. "Can't believe in a few hours it will be 2018"

"Yeah, so fast, next thing I know I will be an old lady" you said jokingly with a small laugh. You walked with (B/F/N) in the hallways through the crowd of many students.

"Hey, wanna go to that New Year's festival later on tonight?" your friend asked with a grin "(C/B/F/N) invited me to go with him" she said scratching the back of her neck with a small blush present on her cheeks.

You gave her a questioning look "But I don't want to be the third wheel" you whined "its....awkward" you finished with a small giggle.

"Third wheel!? What are you talking about girl?" She yelled arching an eyebrow. You gave her a pout crossing your arms over your chest. She sighed but gave you a smirk "(C/N) will be there" she said causing you to blush a dark shade of pink.

You playfully bumped into her shoulder "You should've said so sooner!" you yelled at her looking away. (B/F/N) laughed throwing her head back at your immaturity. She pinched your cheek while talking to you in a baby voice.

"Your so cute!~"

"I'm not cute" you grumbled slapping her hands away. She giggled walking away right when the bell rang reminding us of classes. She waved at you walking backwards "See you later  then!"


"Alright guys" the teacher said getting everyone's attention "You have all class do to whatever you want" he said with a smile as everyone cheered. You didn't really have anything to do, so you took out a notebook, turned to a blank page and started drawing.

Time flew by fast and you were going to your last class of the day, Chemistry. You despised chemistry, so hard and confusing. It made your brain want to explode, but the only reason you put up with it was because firstly, you needed the grade and secondly, your dear crush, (C/N) (C/L/N), also had that class.

You sat down at your assigned seat looking over the seat beside you where your crush sat. You frowned as his presence was missing. You sighed out of frustration looking out the window to your left. "Whoo what a day~" you heard someone say beside you. You turned your head to the right a smile perking up your lips. (C/N) looked at you and blushed a little. "Hey (Y/N)"

Your pregnant chemistry teacher came in the classroom while eating a sandwich. "Alright class...."

Please no work, no work, no work.....

"Today will be a free day, so if you have any missing work. Today is last day to make it up and get half credit, unless you want a zero" she said plopping down on her chair. For the rest of class you drew trying to kill time. You checked the time and was surprised that it was almost time to go home.

You were startled when a rolled up piece of paper fell on your notebook. You look beside you eyeing (C/N) as he was looking at the blackboard. You unrolled the piece of paper and what you read made your heart's pace increase.

Are you going to the festival?

You thought for a second what to say. The only reason you were going was because (C/N) was going, but what if he isn't? You quickly wrote down your response rolling up the piece of paper just as the bell rung. You gathered your stuff slinging your backpack over your shoulder, and gave (C/N) the piece a paper. You walked out the classroom running home and into your room out of breath. You covered your face as the heat wouldn't leave your face.

"What did I do?"

Meanwhile with (C/N) he wanted to stop you from leaving, but sighed thinking to himself that he didn't have a chance with you. He walked home kicking rocks along the way until he got home. He plop down on his bed his heart feeling heavy. He opened his hand the rolled up paper wrinkled from the strong hold he had on it.

She probably said no didn't she?....She walked away maybe it's a sign that she doesn't want to see me.....I ruined everything, I'm so stupid....

He looked up the ceiling the urge to open the piece paper was so temping. His eyes widened as a thought came into mind. What if she said yes? She could be waiting or even worse be with someone else because I didn't show up.

"Come on, man up (C/N) if she said no it just means I never had a chance" He unrolled the paper almost screaming out of frustration. He jumped down the stairs grabbing his phone and yelling 'I'll be back soon' to his family.

Are you going to the festival?

Yeah, I hope I see you there too, (C/N)

He looked at the time his eyeballs almost falling off of their sockets at the the time. How long have I been sulking for? He dialed your number waiting for you to pick up. You looked down at your phone biting your lip at the caller ID. "Hello?" you answered shyly. You hand't seen (C/N) since the beginning of the festival. You had thought maybe he didn't want to come.

"Meet me at the front gates" you heard (C/N) yell before hanging up. He sounded out of breath like he was running.

"Ah (B/F/N), (C/B/F/N), you guys go on ahead" they both nodded seeing your panicky face.

"Be careful" (B/F/N) yelled and left with (C/B/F/N) with a smirk plastered on her face. "I ship it"

"No, I shipped it first" (B/F/N) glared at him intertwining her arms around his.

You shifted foot to foot as you waited for (C/N). You were going to miss the countdown and fireworks. "(Y/N)!"

"(C/N)---whoa" You were taken by surprise when (C/N) pulled your hand. Now the both of you were running somewhere. He took you to the isolated shore of the beach.

"We weren't going to make it in time, so the best view I could think of was here" he said catching his breath. He took off his shoes and sat down on the sand looking out the ocean. You did the same sitting down next to him.

"I thought you weren't going to come" you quietly said

"Yeah sorry I read the paper until the last minute. There is no way I was going to miss this chance"

"Chance?" you asked as the fireworks show started. "So pretty..." you whispered at the different colors and shapes.

"(Y/N)..." you turned to look at (C/N) "I love you" he said. The fireworks show ended the only sound was from the ocean waves. "If it's possible I would like to start this new year with you, not as a friend, but as a boyfriend"

You took in a shaky breath "I...I love you too and I would love to start this year with you" He smiled a one of relief

"You just made me the happiest person in the world" You cupped his cheeks turning your head slightly to capture his lips. You pulled away with a smile. He pulled you in for another kiss deeper than the one before. From your peripheral vision you saw a flash. You pulled away blushing a deep scarlet red when you saw (B/F/N) and (C/B/F/N) leaning on the railing with big grins.

"Hey lovebirds ready to go home?" (B/F/N) asked wiggling her eyebrows

"(B/F/N)!" (C/N) yelled "I won't forgive....unless you sent me those pictures"

"Of course, now why don't you be a prince and take your princess home"

"Hey, don't tell me what to do" He said with a small pout grabbing your hand pulling you along.

He looked at you and you both smiled at each other walking hand in hand. You gave him a goodnight kiss on the cheek quickly running up to your room. You got ready for bed and started getting under the covers. You opened your eyes as you phone lighten up in the dark.

You checked it and smiled at the picture (C/N) sent you. Your first picture together of the year. You typed something and sent it falling asleep with (C/N) in mind.

Happy New Year, (C/N)

Again, sorry its late. Happy late new years! Hope this year will be better than the last! *crosses fingers*

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