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•At the police department•

"Why agent? Did anybody explode already?" Joey chuckled again at his question, while Korbachov was glaring at the younger boy with disgust.

"Was that bomb for the police? You knew we were comin'?"

"Nope. I was just as clueless a as I could've been."

"Then, for who was it? For the people you had debts with?"

Joey shrugged. "Maybe."

Korbachov grabbed the boy's collar and brought his face so close that their noses were touching.

"Stop bustin' my balls young man and tell me your password to that damned thing." Korbachov demanded, gritting his teeth.

The boy giggled. "Agent stop it, I will get turned on if you keep whispering in such a sexy voice."

The agent abruptly let go the boy, that stumbled back to his chair.

"Your roommate is stuck on the bomb." the officer informed, as he cleaned his hands and stretched his uniform.

"Oh, that was totally unexpected!" Joey gasped.

"Too bad that I forgot the password than..." He covered his mouth that had a light smirk on it.

Before Korbachov could kill that boy, he exited the room and slammed the door after him.

Korbachov sighed, as the second interrogation didn't go well. He sat down on his spin chair and layed on the back.

"Have you found anything Xavier?" he asked the other man in the office, that was furiously typing on his computer.

"Meh, nothing important..."

Korbachov ruffled his hair and groaned. "It can't be that hard to find a simple information damn it! We can't let that chiense boy die like this!"

"He's korean-"

"Search instead of doing the smartass!"

•at the apartament•

"Can I ask you some questions about your roommate now that you have calmed down?" Camille cautiously asked, to which Jungkook nodded.

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