Data of Main Characters.

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Name: Ethan Daniel Parker

Age: 18 years and 7 months old

Skills: Prevent his heart from beating, Fast Learner

Sickness: Anxiety Disorders

Description: Tall, Pale, Skinny with blue eyes.

Date of Birth:  August 17, 1999


Name: Lidia Lee-Ann Carter

Age: 18 years and 6 months

Skills: Fighting, Fast Learner

Sickness: -nil-

Description: Average height, long Blonde hair, Brown eyes, Average weight.

Date of Birth: September 27, 1999


Name: Derek Anthony Sparks

Age: 18 years and 10 months

Skills: Fighting, Playing Football

Sickness: Anger Problems, high tempered

Description: Tall, Muscular, Evenly tanned body, Emerald eyes, Very Strong

Date of Birth: March 01, 1999


Just to fill you guys with some Information.

Im not sure if Vince will get a chance to come back after what he had done to Ethan. But just to be on the safe side here is his info.


Name: Vince Holland Peterson

Age: 18 years 2 months

Skills: (Unknown)

Sickness:  Minor Anger Issues/ Violent if he doesn't get what he wants/ Smart

Description: Tall, slightly tanned, brown eyes, Strong

Date:  April 16, 1999

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