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Where has this story gone..? Hmm... Oh yeah! Phil's parents forced him to go away from Dan and break up with him as they were not okay with Phil being who he is. Now four years later, Phil comes back to town! 

Still gay.. but probably bi now. As for what happened to Dan.. well, you'll see..

Phil was walking down the street, with boxes in his hands, ready to move back into his apartment. His parents had finally fucked off and left him be as an adult, doing whatever he wanted and pleased him. 

Suddenly, he looked up from the ground and saw the same coffee shop Dan and him had met in. "Well,... I deserve it" Phil thought to himself as he dropped his stuff over to his house and quickly returned to the coffee shop. He opened the door, and immediately recognized the smell of coffee beans and the free samples of cookies they used to give out sometimes.

He ordered what he wanted and in no time wasted, was served right away. He sat down at a table, all alone as he checked his phone and lack of messages. "Phil.." Phil hears a voice next to him call out his name. He looked up to see the One and only Dan right in front of him. 

He quickly stood up as he ran over to hug Dan. "Oh my god, I missed you so fucking much" Phil almost broke into tears. "Me too.." Dan said, smiling. "Holy shit,.. your voice.. it got deeper hasn't it! And you've gotten taller than me" Phil amazed himself as he looked Dan up and down.

"Yeah, puberty came a tad late, but I have still the same face" Dan and Phil chuckled. Suddenly a man with brown flowing hair, and dark brown eyes approached them both. "Are you ready to leave..?" He said as he looked at Dan. "Wait.. Tyler?! Tyler Pinkman?!" Phil smiled widely.

"My god, Philip Michael Lester! How are you, man?"  Tyler smiled widely. Phil and Tyler hugged as Dan gasped to himself in shock. "How do you know each other?" Dan immediately asked as they let go of each other. 

"We used to be college roommates for about two to three years.. How do you two know each other?" Phil said, as he pointed his finger at Dan and Tyler. Dan felt his heart dropping as he grabbed Tyler's hand and squeezed it, indicating for him not to say anything. But he didn't get the indication. "Oh, he's my boyfriend" Tyler said as Dan's face turned bright red. 

Phil's smile completely dropped into a slight frown of confusion. "W-We should get going.. it was great seeing you again in a really long while" Dan awkwardly said, as he hugged Phil again, whispering the words "I'll explain" in his ear before leaving. Phil sat back at his table, slightly angry to the fact that Dan had completely moved on. 

Dan and Tyler went back home as Dan was in bed, checking emails, whilst Tyler was changing into his pj's to be more comfortable. "Are you done checking those emails?.. You've been typing on that computer for almost an hour now" Tyler said. Dan sighed, hearing Tyler's American voice sound out across from him. 

"I have a lot to do, alright. At least I'm doing something,.. not like someone.." Dan said, looking at Tyler who was stood next to the bed, on the other side. "What do you mean I'm not doing something!? I am.." Tyler said, as he got in bed next to his boyfriend. "Like what exactly..?" Dan smiled, looking back at the person next to him. "..seducing you.." Tyler said, as he kissed Dan's cheek. 

"Well, not working. Try harder.." Dan winked as he kept on typing. "Oh yeah.. before I get all touchy.. why did you squeeze my hand back at the coffee shop? And how the hell did you know Phil?" Tyler asked as he pushed the laptop screen down onto Dan's fingers. 

"He's.. umm.. my ex-boyfriend.. we used to date" Dan sighed, looking down. "Oh.. I fucked up big time didn't I.. I should have not said you were my boyfriend.. Why didn't you tell me this when we started dating?" Tyler said as his face got pale.

"Yeah, you did really fuck up, and I didn't tell you anything cause I just didn't want to remember him. After what happened.. it's just complicated" Dan turned to Tyler, completely blushing. "But what happened?" Tyler asked as he took Dan's laptop and placed it on the floor next to him. 

"Ugh, where do I even begin.. Maybe about 5 years ago, we met at the coffee shop we were just at. I used to hate him cause he was the cheesiest person I knew back then. Then eventually, we went to a bar and before you would even say that we were dating, we hooked up one drunk date and began from there. We kept on dating, mostly fucking.. until we broke up because of an ex Phil had...long story on that, But we got together again and got tattoos for each other, he got us these rings with our nicknames engraved on them.."Dan stopped. 

He  looked down to his ring finger, to find the ring perfectly placed and untouched from when Phil left. "And.. what happened after that?" Tyler asked, looking down at the ring on Dan's finger. "His parents called one time and they changed their mind about letting him date and about the fact he was gay. We eventually broke it off and he left for good" Dan bit his bottom lip.

"So, it were never your choice.. You were forced upon this decision?" Tyler said, sadness in the tone of his voice. Dan nodded. "Well, I moved on.. I cant stay waiting for my prince charming forever.. when he already came 5 months ago" Dan smiled as he looked at Tyler and cupped his cheek. 

"Talking about me, huh..?" Tyler smiled back as he they chuckled and pressed their lips together. 

P.s the image on top is what I pictured Tyler to be and look like. (Yes, it is Jack Falahee from #howtogetawaywithmurder) 

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