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Dan woke up, cuddled up in Phil's arms as he rested his head on his chest. He tried to untangled himself from Phil and checked his phone for the time. 6:45 am  it read. It was still too early to go back home with Tyler. Speaking of Tyler, he left a message back that night when Dan was asleep. 

"Hey, Dan. Tyler here. It's fine that you wont be coming back, and I hope your mum is okay. But when I went to Phil's house there was your shirt on the floor and a hickey on his neck. He told me that you gave him that shirt but I dont know, it's just suspicious. Anyway you're probably asleep right now cause this is normally your bedtime so you should get this in the morning. Call back, if you want to, I'll be here. Goodnight and see you. I love you too, Dan..."

Dan frowned thinking about what he just did to Tyler. "Hey.." Phil suddenly said, as he yawned. "Hey.." Dan said back. "What time is it?" Phil asked as he changed his position. "6:50 am" Dan said, as he put his phone beside him. "You wake up so early, my god.." Phil whined, scooting closer to Dan as he kissed his cheek and wrapped his hand around his waist. 

"You know I'm a morning person most days. Not a surprise" Dan said, as he turned his head to properly look at Phil. "I know but when you left it wasn't normal for me anymore. On an important note.. do you want breakfast?" Phil said, letting go of Dan and sitting upright. "No thanks,.. this is more of a one night stand situation anyway.." Dan said, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed as he put on his underwear. 

"What do you mean one night stand... This was something special Dan... at least for me it was" Phil said as he grabbed his underwear and put it on as well. "Phil, I have a boyfriend. This was just a meaningless night with no meaning at all" Dan said as he stood up and picked up his shirt which was on the floor. 

"Are you sure, cause the thing between your legs is telling me a different story.." Phil said as he looked at Dan's bulge showing through his underwear. "Stop looking at me like that! Phil, I just dont know how to feel right now. It's confusing enough so dont make it even harder for me" Dan said, chuckling as he sat back down on the bed to put on his ripped jeans on.  

"Even harder, you say.. But, seriously Dan... you get a lot more orgasms with me than with Tyler. Admit it... Look me in the eye and tell me that you never faked an orgasm whilst having sex with Tyler, you cant do it" Phil said as he stood up and walked over to Dan, looking him in the eye. "...I have faked some with Tyler, okay.. but it doesn't mean that I don't like him" Dan crossed his arms.

 "You see,.. you said it yourself.. you like him not love him. Face it.. I know that somewhere in your heart, you still love me and I know it wasn't just hooking up to you" Phil said as he got in front of Dan, who was still sitting, and placed his hands on Dan's thighs as he leaned over to be face to face with him.

"I... I-I don't know... All I know is that I want both of you" Dan said, placing his hands on top of Phil's. "I'm fine with threesomes. If that's an option.... but on a serious note, just think about it" Phil said as he connected his lips with Dan's. Once they disconnected again, Phil looked into Dan's eyes as he straightened himself and left the room for Dan think about what he's said. 

Once the door shut behind Phil, Dan sighed as he lied down on the bed, with his feet still touching the ground. After a long while, Dan came to a conclusion and decided to leave the room. Phil was on the couch, in sweatpants only whilst the TV remote was in his hand. "Did you think about it?" Phil asked as he looked up at Dan.

"I think so.." Dan said, as he sat down on the couch next to Phil, with his knees up to his chest. "So.. spit it out.." Phil said, shifting to the boy next to him.

"I decided on..... 

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