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Two hours flew by far too quickly for Sam. He and Dean were still sitting at the table, talking – Castiel had disappeared a while ago – and he didn't want to leave. He had become rather attached, and rather quickly, to the brother he had just met several days before. He fidgeted with the deck of cards lying on the table, brows creased in a slight frown, as he contemplated how to tell Dean he had to go back home.

"What's wrong?"

Sam raised his eyes and found Dean studying him. He hesitated, biting his bottom lip for a moment. Finally, he sighed and answered, "Dad said we – we have to go back home today. Back to Nebraska."

Dean went completely still, "You're not coming back?" The young man was a shade paler suddenly, fists clenched on top of the table.

"I am!" Sam reached out and grabbed his brother's hand, "I am, Dean, I swear. I just – it might be a while between visits. I will be back to see you, though. I swear it."

Green eyes searched his features and Dean nodded after a moment. The other swallowed hard before saying, "Okay, Sammy."

He nodded and traced Dean's knuckles with his thumb, eyes on the table. "I wish I could see you every day. I – damnit. I'm sorry. I'll be back as soon as I can, though. We – we can write each other."

His brother's voice was little more than a whisper as Dean agreed again, "Okay, Sammy."

Sam sighed heavily and raised his eyes to his brother. Dean was watching him; the bewilderment and fear flitting across his brother's features drove a stake of regret through Sam's heart. He reached over to press the hand that wasn't holding Dean's against the young man's face, and vowed, "I will be back here as soon as I can, Dean. I'm not going to abandon you or forget about you. I'll be back soon. I promise you."

Dean relaxed slightly and graced him with a small smile, "I trust you."

Sam nodded and squeezed Dean's hand lightly. He glanced toward the far side of the rec room and caught sight of his father: John was standing with Doctor Murphy, watching them. The man motioned for him, and Sam frowned.

"I – I have to go, Dean. I'll be back to see you as soon as I can, though."

He could feel Dean's hand trembling in his own, but the other gave a sharp, brief nod. Sam hesitated for a moment before pulling his hand free and pushing his chair back to stand. Dean did the same, and Sam stepped forward to hug his brother. The older Winchester clung to him for several moments; he reluctantly let go as Sam pulled back. He gave his brother what he hoped was a convincing, confident smile as he assured Dean, "I'll see you soon."

Sam had just reached his father – the man dropped a hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly - when he heard Dean call, "Sammy!"

He turned, to find that his brother was on his feet and stalking toward them. His eyes widened as he caught the anger on Dean's face. He blinked at the rage, the danger, in Dean's voice as the other commanded, eyes on John and Doctor Murphy,
"You get the hell away from my brother!"

Sam looked up at John, whom was watching Dean in concern.

Two orderlies were at Dean's side before the young man had crossed half the distance of the room. One took hold of his arm, and he shoved at the bigger man.
"Get the hell off me. I won't let them take Sam!"

When the orderlies moved to block his way, preventing him from reaching Sam and John, Dean grabbed a chair sitting nearby and threw it at one of them. It bounced off the man's shoulder as the other spoke to Dean, trying to placate him. The enraged young man ignored them, eyes on Sam, as he shouted at John and the doctor,

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