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They were on the road again after lunch, Bobby behind the wheel and John in the passenger seat. Sam had dozed off after an hour or so, head resting on Dean's shoulder.

Dean's attention shifted between the passing scenery and his little brother. He had a difficult time, sometimes, believing that he had Sam in his life again. Twelve years of waiting and wishing and hoping, and here he was now; sitting next to the brother he hadn't been certain, at one point, he would ever see again.

The fact that he was sitting in the backseat of the car he remembered, heading away from the hospital and toward a place his brother called home? Mind-blowing. He hadn't yet wrapped his mind around that one, and half-feared it was some type of surreal dream (or delusion) and would be torn away from him.

Sam's head on his shoulder grounded him, though, and kept back the shaking and the panicked beliefs that he was only dreaming again.

Dean's eyes shifted from the outside of the car to the front seat, and he found John watching him. He stared at the man for a moment before glancing away again.

"Doing okay, Dean?"

His gaze returned to the man at the question, and he studied him for a moment before nodding yes. Those blue eyes met his, and the man in the front seat told him,

"I'm sure it's a little overwhelming right now. It will get better." John's gaze shifted to Sam briefly, before returning to Dean, "I realize this is all a huge change for you, and it will take some adjusting. Just – it's like we discussed in Doctor Murphy's office: you have to take your meds and if you need help, you come to me or call him."

Dean nodded, eyes shifting to stare out the window as the scenery flying by caught his attention. His green gaze returned to John as the man spoke again,
"Dean.. I hope you can understand, at least to some degree, why I did what I did when you were put in the hospital."

He stared at the man for a moment before replying honestly, "Not really."

John's brow furrowed, slight frown touching his features as he took that in. He ran a hand over his face after a moment and sighed, "I guess you can't. I was trying to help you."

"So you've said," the young man met John's blue gaze again. His arm tightened slightly around his sleeping brother, "I know you think I'm crazy but I'm not sure why you thought keeping Sammy from me would change that."

There was several moments of silence: Dean caught Bobby's gaze in the rearview mirror as his uncle glanced back at him. His attention shifted back to John as the man finally replied,

"I was trying to help you and I was trying to protect him." Sadness touched his eyes, traced the lines of his face. Dean was still for a moment before he nodded – protecting Sammy, he could understand.

John turned to face forward again as Bobby spoke to him, and Dean's attention returned to Sam's window. He glanced over at his own window as he heard,

That was an awkward conversation.
Lucifer was sitting in the space between him and the door.

"Didn't I leave you back at the hospital?" he muttered to the being, drawing a laugh from the so-called fallen angel.

"Hmm?" John glanced back at him, "You say something?"
"Nope," Dean answered, ignoring the smirking blond next to him.
John's attention returned to Bobby and the road ahead, and Dean glanced at Lucifer again.
Not getting rid of me that easy, Dean. I'm gonna be with you always and forever.
He glared at the being as Lucifer smirked at him. He was aware that Lucifer was what those in the psychological profession considered a hallucination. Didn't stop him from hearing him, though.

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