Prank Planning

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I cover my mouth to keep from laughing. the speedster known as Wally West is crouched down at my side with a devious smirk and a mischievous glint in his eyes. Wally seems like a hopeless idiot most of the time, and don't get me wrong i love the bumbling idiot just as much maybe more than everyone else on the team, but sometimes he has these moments of pure genius that usually result in me stifling a laugh and him grinning like a mad man beside me.

This latest escapade stated with me warping into the cave and then immediately being carried at high speed into the speedsters room. the door is slammed shut and i'm thrown onto the bed.

Wally never uses his room in the cave, well at least not for conventional means. He always returns to his 'normal' life after a mission, like Artemis and I, so his room in the cave is only ever used for prank planning and emotional breakdowns.

I've never been present during one of his breakdowns but i have heard them. the ponding on the walls at high speeds in hard to miss, and the dents in the walls is evidence enough.

I look at me best friend and almost laugh at the look of pure excitement on his face. i smirk, practically purring. I love it when he gets like this. The first time i saw him like this was a few days after our first mission. Bats was furious with us for fighting amongst ourselves during a mission, just barely being able to salvage it.

He spent a good few hours going off on us before threatening to shut the team down if we couldn't sort out our differences. Artemis decided it would be a good idea to lock wally and i into a room together until me 'made nice' as Kaldur put it.

The first hour was spent in silence with the occasional glare Until the speedster came up with a prank that ended with a neon green-haired Superboy and the both of us laughing our butts off. A few pranks later and the two of us were inseparable.

We spent the majority of our free time together planning pranks and sometimes just talking. It was nice to have someone that felt like a real friend and not someone that was pretending to be my friend for Bruces money. Wally was my best and maybe only real friend i had. And he was the only person i had ever considered disobeying an order from bats for.

It was a silent request. we had gotten to the point where we didn't really need to speak to convey what we wanted, and i knew exactly what the speedstur wanted without him having to say a word. Although actions speak louder than words so...

We were in my room then. The room i use to escape the life i chose to live. To get away from the fighting and the death and bats and just plain being Robin. It's the room i use to prevent what Wally uses his room for.

I was reading a book, The Stand by Stephen King, with the book propped up on my folded and raised knees as to give Wally more room at the end of my bed. He was laying horizontally with his upper body hanging upside down over the edge.

I occasionally peeked around the side of the book to find the speedster staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression. He was thinking and that is rarely a good sign. Wally is smart. Really smart. He notices things and rolls them around in his head until he finally snaps and does something stupid.

He notices my staring and tilts his head so his eyes meet my covered ones. I look away quickly returning my gaze to the book but i let out a rather unmanly squeak when the kid flash is peaking over the top of my book.

I see a hint of amusement in his jade colored eyes and i pout. He chuckles and shifts his weight slightly so he is no longer supporting himself with his hands. A serious look adopts the fetchers of his face, and something i don't recognize appears in his eyes. It's like... preregret? like he's about to do something he knows he'll regret....Its making me extremely uncomfortable.

"Dude, personal spa-" He cuts me off by lifting his hands to the shades covering my eyes. he doesn't actually take them off, he doesn't even touch them. He just holds them a few inches away. He's not trying to take them off, he's asking if he can.

Bats had given me strict orders not to let anyone see my eyes when i'm Robin, But this is wally, my best friend, and for the first time since Bats took me in I considered disobeying a direct order from him. But i couldn't. The fear of disappointing the Batman was too great. But i had considered it. I really had, and that fact seemed to be enough for the speedster because he smiled, even when i shook my head.

He never asked again after that. I had expected him to. Wally isn't known for his ability to stay quiet and I had expected to be bombarded with questions. Bats would have a fix if he knew Wally had threatened my secret ID just once, I don't know what would have happened if he hadn't stopped.

But he did. And things went back to normal. I would still catch the speedster staring sometimes and I had no doubt that he was wandering. I would always shot him an apologetic look and he would immediately look away.

It was obvious that he still wanted to know. the seed of curiosity had been planted and it wasn't going to go away just like that, But he was respecting my uncertainty in showing him. And that was making me all the more uncertain.

I wanted him to know. I wanted him to know so badly that it hurt sometimes. And its not just my ID I wanted to share with him. I wanted to tell him everything. I wanted to spill my juts, tell him about my hopes and fears and insecurities...About my past...My parents..

I wanted to hide nothing from the boy known as Wally West. And it hurt so much that i couldn't. I never felt so...Myself around anyone like this before. Not even when I was Dick Grayson.

Not even when I was with Bruce.

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