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    They’ll be here any minute! I’m not ready! I quickly pull a light sweater over my civvies. It’s not particularly cold out by normal standards but i’ve always struggled with cold and I just feel more comfortable with it on.

    I glance into the full body wall mirror and grown. I pull off the sweater again and slip it back on after folding it inside out. Luckily it’s interchangeable, or  we would never hear the end of it from Wally if he saw the Kid Flash logo on the front…

    I spent most of the morning looking over the letter Bruce gave me, the one from the omega power cell. I lost track of time analyzing it, and the next thing I knew, I had an hour to get ready before the team got here.

    And I didn’t even get any real information from the letter! It just gave an address for us to meet and said that she wanted to talk to me about my mother. She didn’t even give her real name! Just the code name she was assigned in Star Labs!

    I haven’t the slightest idea why they thought it was fitting to call her Sanity because all she’s done so far is drain mine!

    I flop down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I can go head to head with gotham's worst, hack into any computer system i'm presented with, and hide half of who I am from the ones closest to me without a problem. But when it comes to a simple meeting with someone that may have known my mother, i'm a complete mess.

    I roll over onto my belly and cover my head with my pillow, screaming into my mattress, and childishly flailing my legs. I’m glad Bats is out so he won't hear me, and Alfred is used to my outbursts and doesn't come up anymore. He would always awkwardly try, and comfort me and though it is sweet of him to try, it always seemed to make things worse.

    I sigh, feeling better, and decide I might as well greet our ‘guests’ when they arrive. That’s usually Alfred’s job but I can’t see a reason that he would mind.

    I make my way down the flight of stairs, calling out to Alfred as I go. I pause about half way down and glance at the door. Alfred pulls his attention away from the door and turns to me, folding his hands behind his back. The three teens he has let in staring up at me with a mix of emotions.

    “Ah, Master Dick. Your escort has arrived.” I nod to him and he returns to whatever he was doing before he answered the door. I skim over the three teens briefly wondering why it was these three in particular. Then I remembered the Megan is a martian with limited knowledge as to how to act like a human and Superboy is about a month old. This was definitely the best course of action.

    I walk over to them and hold out my hand, smiling politely. Kaldur is the only one that even bothers to take it. Artemis is glaring at me, already deciding that being rich automatically makes me a jerk and that she doesn't want to touch me. Wally is just staring wide eyed at me. It’s making me rather uncomfortable and I return my attention to Kaldur, shaking his hand and introducing myself.

    “Richard Grayson, but you can call me Dick if you want. Pleasure to meet you.”

    “Kaldur. And the pleasure is ours.” He smiles at me then gestured to the other two. “This is Artemis and Wallace.” Wally's full name being said snaps him out of his slightly creepy trance and he quickly corrects Kaldur.

    “Wally.” He says quickly taking my hand in both of his and shaking it. “Call me Wally.” Uh...Ok dude, you're starting to really creep me out.

    I glance over at Artemis. She’s staring out the door like she would like to be anywhere but here. I walk up to her and hold out my hand.

    “Artimis. right?” She turns to me briefly looking me in the eyes. She must not of liked what she say because she glares and turns to walk out of the door, never shaking my hand.

    “We better go. We don’t want to waste precious talking time.” She walks out head of use and I stand there with my mouth slightly open and my hand still raised. Kaldur apologizes for her before running out to catch her. Wally is still just staring at me. I let my hand fall to my side and a worried expression platers itself across my face.

    This isn’t going to end well, is it?

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