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    He can’t be serious! He can’t really expect me to sit here and do nothing when this could be my one and only chance to talk with someone like me! To learn about what I am! I-i mean… Ok enough with the lying to myself. I’ve already slipped up enough and pretending that i'm not a power cell isnt going to change the fact that I am one. And we all know that Bats ‘The enemy can’t sense a lie if you believe what you’re saying’ speech is just a bunch of bull.

    Cells don’t usually know there a cell until their late teens, when they start to feel the effects of an overload. My mother, Mary Grayson, was also a power cell, and she was able to notice the signs in me at a much younger age.

    All that really meant was that I learned how to hide it sooner than most. Hiding the fact is the only thing a power cell really can do. I think that was a big part of why we were circus performers. It’s a lot easier to hide something if you’re constantly on the move.

    That didn’t save her though. She was still killed. Even if it had nothing to do with he being a power cell she could never live a normal life. And she was killed for it. They always are.

    Which is why I have to talk to the only one that lived! She must know something, anything, about us! Surely Bats sees this! Surely he knows how much I need this! I clench my fists and try to bite back the urge to yell at my mentor. Artemis speaks up before I have the chance.

    “So how exactly are we supposed to find this girl? Going door to door isn’t an option, and how do we even know she’ll talk with us when we do find her? she went dark for a reason, she obviously doesn't want to be found.” She has her arms crossed and a raised eyebrow. Bats doesn't seem affected by her question and flicks his hand again and another file takes the place of the girls.

    “Because she reached out to us. She wishes to speak with this boy, which makes him your only means of convincing her to talk. She gave an address in her letter.”

    My eyes are wide as I stare at the file Bats has displayed for the team. I blink a few times as I start to connect the dots of Bats plan. I almost choke at Wally’s remark of ‘Dude, he has really pretty eyes’ as he walks up to the hologram for a better look.

    “Isn’t that Bruce Wayne’s kid? I’ve seen him on TV before.” Artemis asked an uninterested and maybe slightly annoyed look on her face. “Do we really have to take him? I’m not good with pompous rich kids.”

    I almost can't hold back the laughter at how Bats is struggling to decide if he wants to glare at Wally for staring intently at the picture of me or Artemis for being Artemis. He settles on Artemis, having to also answer her question.

    “Yes, you do. And speaking with the power cell is only half your mission. The other is to keep the both of them safe.” He looks so annoyed and it has been so long since i’ve seen him like this for something I didn’t do. I will savor this moment. Artemis shrinks back slightly but her pride is as strong as the Bats and she has one last question to ask.

    “U-understood but...what exactly does she want with Grayson? Why him in particular?” I blink at the archer. I hadn't thought of that. Why had she asked for me? She couldn’t possibly know about me being a power cell, so what made me so special?

    Bats doesn't answer at first, and you can see the muscles in his face tense as he bites down on nothing. After a few seconds of silence I start to think he won't answer at all. He glances at me before looking over at the holographic picture of me. All of which successfully making me nervous. He speaks in a low even tone.

    “She claims to have known his mother.”

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