the arrival

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Kuoh Academy

rias was getting ready to leave the ORC to go to Isami's(Female Issei) home but while she was walking there she had a feeling that something bad was going to happen and as soon as she got to the door step she sensed a massive amount of energy coming of from not to far from her location so she went to where she sensed the energy from and she came across a man fairly buillt as soon as she saw his face she started turning red. so being the person she is she summoned a magical circle and teleported her and the man to Isami's house and she called for some help.

Rias: Koneko,  Akeno, Isami I need some help here!!!!!

Isami: Whats wro....... Who is this???

Akeno: Ara ara did you do this to him??

Rias: No I found him unconscious on the ground and hes kind of heavy and I'm trying to get I'm to my room so can you guys help me once Koneko gets here??

they both nodded and once koneko got there they filled her in on whats going on and so she helped them take him to rias' room and laid him down on the bed not after they decided to leave him in nothing but his boxers and then as soon as the others left rias decided to walk back and forth in her room trying to figure out who you are but when she turned around she saw your face and blushed and she was as red as her own hair. 

Rias: You know what fuck it.

 she got undressed and laid down with her head on your chest and fell to sleep.

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