Sex: Male
Race: Saiyan
You Are about 6'5 you are also as strong as goku and you also have his appetite and his will to fight and strive to be the strongest.
Abilities: Kamehameha,Spirit Sword A.K.A Vegito sword, Divine lasso, Time Skip,Spirit Bomb, Kaioken, Special Beam Cannon, Instant Transmission, If you want the character to have any other moves let me know so I can add more moves.
Transformations: SSJ, SSj2, SSj3, SSj4, SSG, SSB, SSJ Rose, (maybe later in the story ill add it if you want it) Ultra instinct,
Remember just comment or message me if you want to see more moves or transformations Oh and would you like to have me make some of the male characters turned to females meaning genderbent.

Who Are You!!!! Male Saiyan Reader x High School dxd
FanfictionAnother day at school for Rias, Issei, Xenovia, Asia, and Koneko until one day a mysterious warrior falls from the sky. What will happen? will he be enemy or ally?