Chapter 2 ~ Sariel Naïlo

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I lead the way into this colony, checking the rooftops, the crevices between the buildings, and even the trees. Oddly, the death count inside isn't as dense. Only one or two bodies scattered across the streets. Whatever happened here, no doubt my kind are responsible for this.

"Look," Kethra points toward a house where a lantern's glow shines, "It seems there are survivors after all."

"Over there!" Peep mimics a guard's voice, pointing towards two other light sources: one that glows at the governor's manor and the other that glows from a cave on a hilltop.

"We may have to split up if we intend to save time. Though, I fear Sariel's friends would prefer it that way to find us as easy pickings." Arthur comments.

"Perhaps, but whatever rolled us down that hillside couldn't have been nivallen. It's not our way of hunting," I explain. If we do split up, I just hope I don't pair with him. I'd prefer to be with Kethra if anything.

"'Way of hunting,' my scaly rear! Did you not see what happened out there?" Kriv nags, "Those nivallen don't even hunt! They're as barbaric as any other!"

I clench my fists slowly, letting out a sigh to relieve tension, "Whatever happened outside the entryway is beyond my knowledge. It's not normal for us to engage in battles like this. We prefer the challenge of the duel."

"If that's the case," Perceval steps up to me, "then I'll go with Sariel to one of these light sources."

Peep gasps, tugging on Perceval's tailcoat.

"Aw... Now you've done the waterworks, Bonesy." Kriv chuckles.

Perceval kneels down, staring into those beady eyes, "Peep, look, sometimes we have to split ways, whether it be an occasion or because I'm at peace." He brushes Peep's feathery head, even the small plumage that sticks up just flicks back up. "Don't worry, you can go with Kethra-"

"Leaving me with Kriv? Well, he'll need some help in the art of diplomacy, anyways." Arthur cheekily glances at the kobold.

"Oh please! Who needs words when you have a blade!" He eagerly scoffs.

"Exactly my point."

"Alright, let's split up: Arthur and Kriv, head to the governor's estate. Peep and Kethra, head to the household. Sariel and I will head up to the cave." Perceval plans out.

"Then let's return to the governor's estate. I fear we may be prime delicacies should the nivallen believe we're affiliated with these colonists..."

"Agreed. Let's hope we find what we need quickly." Kethra concludes.


As we approached the cave, I couldn't help but think about why he didn't go with Peep. Those two are practically inseparable! Well, Peep isn't fond of being separated. Did he notice my nerves being tested? The last thing I need is someone thinking I'm going soft.

"Drudge," I ask, "Why did you leave Peep? Why did you want to split up this 'Macabre Duo?'"

He hesitates a moment, unsure of what to say, "Because I believed you could use someone who can understand."

"Understand? What do you intend to understand of me?"

Again, he pauses before answering, "I noticed you had difficulty in explaining your case about your people. I hope to understand what you truly know."

Whatever his intentions, I at least trust him the most than the others. Well, maybe a little more than Kethra. She's helped heal a few of my scrapes before. Either way, I have faith he has good intentions.

"Know what?" I ask.

"How well do you truly know your kind?" He blatantly asks, hinting at the impatience of being passive, "For me, the only idea I have about my kind is that we serve dark overlords and merely act as pawns without a shred of an idea of what we once were. I can only be thankful for the gracious man who helped return me."

What was I supposed to reply to that? I weakly respond with, "Well I'm thankful you're here too."

"Thank you but what about you? How did you gain an idea of what your kind is if you were raised by the Eskillian Society? You must find it ironic as well if you're raised by the nivallen lifestyle yet dress quite similarly to the colonists we've met."

From what I recall, there was Professor Étrange, who said he's studied what the nivallen were like. It seemed very persuasive since he even did things I can recall as a child before the raids. A lot of his teachings really spoke to me. To be honest, I wouldn't mind going back but they gave me the task to spread the Enlightenment and that's that.

"Well," I finally say, "I was pretty much raised by someone who studied my people than who actually lived it. It wasn't the most genuine experience..."

"And now the others rely on the information of a wannabe that was passed down to you," he sighs, "Have you ever tried contacting another village or meet another nivallen at least?"

"I've tried..." I let out weakly, "But they didn't welcome me with open arms exactly..." To be honest, I feel more like a fraud now. What am I anymore but a mere surrogate child of cultures? Holding back tears wasn't easy as the pain begins to well up in my throat.

"Sariel, listen," he rests his hands firmly on my shoulders, making sure I stare into those empty sockets. Looking into them, I don't know what it is, but there's this sense of dread, begging for mercy. I'm not sure if it's my senses but I think I even heard some female wail in agony. He doesn't seem to hear it since he didn't flinch.

My cheeks start feeling warm from embarrassment. I was always taught that emotions make you weak, makes you look vulnerable.

"It's not about where you're from or what you are. It's about what you do to define yourself. Please, don't throw it all away because it's not how you want it, live so can you can define how you truly need it to be."

"Well, what I need is this small group we have. I couldn't ask for more...." I don't know what curse inside me worked its magic but I proceeded to wrap my arms around that walking corpse...

Abandoned In Claddeau, Adventurers Book 1Where stories live. Discover now