A Note To Self

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Please don't hurt yourself
With words
With fists
With ideals

You are amazing and strong
You are growing and beautiful
No one can ever be you so you have to do it no matter how hard it is

Your siblings love you
You've been a second parent so long that leaving made you forget that
They love you no matter what and so does mommy

You don't need to be perfect
Just keep being kind and caring

You are enough
No amount of insecurities or self hatred will change that fact

When you reread this I hope you're happier
I hope things are better
I hope you finally find a fucking therapist
Mainly so you can be healthy
But also so you can do things you love again

Please write more
You need this outlet and you love it
I know why you stopped but I need you to try and start again

Most of all I need you to smile
Because I need you to look at yourself and be genuinely happy
Because you deserve to be genuinely happy
Because I love you

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