Ch. 11: Snow White

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Watching their car leave the airport glued me to the ground. I simply couldn't bring myself to go to gate when they called for the flight and, on its own accord, I felt my hand crumble the plane ticket in my hand. This was just so damn wrong!

A part of me was worried about the consequences it would bring if I did what my heart told me to do. Or worried? No, I was downright scared, because I knew Joseph would give me some serious reprimands. But it would be worth it. I just knew it would. What I felt now was so much worse than the physical pain I knew I had to face later.

Leah's sad eyes were the only thing on my mind when I ordered a cab and gave the directions to what had been my home for the past few weeks. The little cabin that taught me new aspects of life and gave me the last piece of the puzzle that I needed to make my heart complete. I just didn't know it until I didn't have it anymore, and now it felt like I couldn't move on without it. We had to find some way to work this out.

The bravery Leah showed that day up in the hills was unbelievable. If it wasn't for her strength and determination, I'd be gone now. She saved my life, and for that I owed her mine in return. And honestly, there was nothing else I would rather do than to wake up by her side every morning, just like that morning in Marcus' old cabin. To sing to her, to dance with her. Make love to her and maybe marry her one day. We were still quite young, but as cliché as it might sound, I could see my future kids in her eyes. She was my own beautiful Snow White.

Paul's facial expression when he opened the door was one of utter relief. Neither of us said anything. He just opened his arms and gave me a real bear hug. Mary-Lou's eyes brimmed with tears but she smiled from ear to ear, and even Patrick gave me a nod of approval while he continued playing cards with Jack.

"Michael, you have no idea how glad we are to see you. Leah is..."

I knew it was impolite to cut someone off, but I did because I knew that they knew.

"Yeah. I am too."

Then I looked from Paul to Mary-Lou. The question I was going to ask was a major one, and I seriously didn't know how they were going to respond. Nevertheless, I took a deep breath and swallowed.

"Mary-Lou. Paul," I started, and my hands were sweaty and trembling.

"I want to ask you if I can take Leah with me back to California. I... I'm not able to leave. Not without her."

Moments of silence were interrupted by Paul clearing his voice.

"Michael, that's... You know she's still in school, and the distance is..."

But Mary-Lou gave him a glare that shut him up.

"Paul! I'm not telling you this often, but... Shut up! We can't just sit here and watch the pain in her eyes. I'm sure we'll find a way, with the school and the practical things."

"But it's too far!" he objected, and I fully understood him.

"What if things don't work out? What if she hates it there? What about her education? She can't just quit school when she's only months from to graduation?"

I felt incredibly selfish, but I couldn't let Leah go. Not that simple. So I tried to reassure Paul that his daughter would be in good hands.

"Sir. I promise that I will take her home the very same day, if she doesn't like it there and if things don't work out between us. And I will personally pay for a private tutor so she can graduate as planned. And I will take really, really good care of her. I just..."

My voice cracked a bit. It was hard to keep my emotions at bay. So when I continued, I sounded like a pleading child and not like the grown and responsible man I should be.

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