Chapter Eight

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(A/n~the next few chapters will be in Marinette's point of view since she is now pregnant)

~Marinette's POV~

I was scared, knowing how Adrien's dad reacted to seeing us after we made love. I was surprised he hadn't killed Adrien.

"It'll be fine Marinette, our child will be accepted by his or her grandfather, I promise." Adrien said, I snuggled into him, watching Paris go by. He put his arm around me, kissing my head lightly.

"What if your father is Hawkmoth?" I asked, wondering what might happen to us if that was the case. I rubbed my stomach, knowing a small person was growing inside of me.

"Then I'll stop him, he won't lay a hand on our miraculous or our baby." Adrien said, tensing up. I rubbed his back, kissing his cheek. I was sure we'd be fine.

"We're here." Natalie said, getting out and opening the door for us. I thanked her as Adrien helped me out. We walked up to the large Mansion, remembering the last time we were both in here.

"Father, I need to talk to you." Adrien called when we walked in. His father emerged from his office, a stern look on his face. He glared at me, sending knives into me with his eyes.

"What is she doing here?" He asked, Adrien didn't answer, he just pulled me into his father's office. Gabriel sighed behind us, following us inside.

"Father, I have gotten my girlfriend, Marinette pregnant. I am ready to take complete responsibly for the child whether you accept it or not." Adrien announced once his father sat down.

Gabriel was furious, his once calm face was full of anger. He stared at me, pure hatred in his eyes. He stood, picking up a small statue on his way up. I raised my hands in surrender, trying to keep myself and my baby safe.

"How dare you corrupt my son! That baby deserves to die right here and now! It'll ruin the family!" He screamed, raising the statue above his head. Adrien transformed quickly, extending his baton in front of me.

"You won't touch one hair on her body! If you even dare to try to kill my child or her you will pay dearly father!" He yelled back, his face now stern and serious.

Gabriel threw the statue. Adrien hit it with his baton, breaking it into pieces. We didn't understand why Gabriel wanted the baby dead so bad at the time. He just didn't want it alive.

"Come on Marinette." Adrien said, grabbing my hand in his gloved one and leading me out of the large mansion. He watched his father the whole time, making sure he wouldn't move.

"Can we go tell my parents?" I asked,  knowing it would be a much happier reveal. Adrien nodded, de-transforming and asking Gorilla to go to my house.

"Darling, are you okay?" Adrien asked once we were on the road. I caressed his cheek lovingly, kissing his lips softly as I did so. I nodded, ruffling his hair slightly. He smiled.

"Adrien, I love you." I said, watching as he laid his head down on my lap. I played with his hair until we made it to my parent's bakery. We hopped out, Adrien pouting about how he couldn't lay on my lap anymore.

We walked into the bakery which was closing in a couple minutes. My parents were finishing a couple more orders, calling to us about waiting for them upstairs. I lead Adrien up stairs, sitting him on my couch, and cuddling into his side.

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