Chapter Fifteen

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The kids had settled in just fine. They were babies of course so restless nights were almost mandatory. Adrien was always telling me to sleep while he got the kids. I wouldn't ever let my partner go take care of them on his own.

"Adrien, you can't take care of the twins by yourself all the time." I said, wiping the sleep from my eyes. I took Hugo from on of his arms and checked for a dirty diaper or if he was hungry.

"You went through labor for these two beauties, the least I can do is take care of them all night while you rest Princess." He said, giving Emma the bottle of warmed up breast milk that I had pumped a couple days earlier.

"Adrien, we're partners, we're in this together." I tried to reason, cleaning off Hugo's nasty bum. Adrien waved his hand in dismissal.

"You're my lady, you do not need to be stressing yourself over the babies like this, besides, I didn't carry them for nine months so I'm obligated to do most of the work for the next nine months to make up for it." He said, sitting up slightly triumphantly.

"Adrien, you're a weirdo." I giggled, sitting on the other rocking chair in the room and rocking my beautiful son.

"I'm your weirdo, Bugaboo." He said, pulling the finished bottle from Emma's mouth and burping her. I laughed, nodding in agreement as I watched our children fall asleep.


"Alya, can you watch the twins this weekend? Adrien and I's parents have business to take care of and can't watch the twins for our date." I explained, watching as she laughed.

"Of course! I adore those monkeys!" Alya said, throwing her hands into the air in enthusiasm. The rest of the class giggled, asking to see my two munchkins most recent pictures.

I pulled my phone out, watching as my fellow classmates crowded around the small device. They were quickly sent to their seats as class started, the teacher chuckling quietly to herself at our silliness.

"Marinette, Mr. Damocles has requested you in the office." Mrs. Bustier said after she put down the phone she has answered while we were getting to our seats.

I nodded, grabbing my book bag from the floor before heading out of the classroom. The banister was empty, no other students were outside their classroom.

The janitor was down below, sweeping the courtyard while his whistle echoed off the stone walls. I took all of it in for a moment.

"Marinette, the principal still wants to see you." Tikki said, poking her head out of my purse. Even though everyone knew I was Ladybug Tikki insisted on hiding.

I nodded to her, making my way to his office.

I opened the door, sensing a slight change in atmosphere as it went from normal to serious in only a couple of seconds. Mr. Damocles wasn't in his office. Instead it was a man in a colorful suit.

"Sit down Marinette." He said, his red hair falling into his eyes as he gestured to the chair in front of him.

I was on high alert, my shoulders tense as I shakily sat down in the plush red chairs.

"Hello, Nathaniel." I said, intertwining my hands in my lap as I stared at my classmate. His face a straight, his suit becoming the complete opposite of his demeanor.

"I'm not Nathaniel. My name is red. I will destroy all of the red strings, and make my own! I will get the girl of my dreams!" He yelled, standing up and slamming his hands on the heavy wood desk in front of us.

"I understand you're upset, we can talk about this though." I said, putting my hands up in surrender. His face twisted up, a broken look in his eyes.

"It's too late Marinette! You chose him, you had his children! Now I will take back what is mine! Those children are mine, you are mine!" He yelled. His white suit with red lines flowing every which way on it shifted on his body. He took out a large pair of scissors, pointing them at me.

"Tikki, spots on!" I yelled, feeling myself transform. Hawkmoth was gone. In fact his miraculous was in my pocket, there was no way Nathaniel was akumatized.

"Marinette! You will be mine! A superhero deserves better than a measly stray! You deserve a real man, a real superhero!" He yelled, running to me and swinging the giant scissors. I yelped,  jumping back and deflecting the attack he had sent.

"Nathaniel snap out of it! You're delusional!" I yelled, sending my yoyo to his scissors. He yanked the large blades out of the way just in time.

"No Marinette! You will be mine! You'll stay with me forever!" He yelled, his head twitching slightly as he managed to land a cut on my cheek.

"ADRIEN!" I screamed, knowing I wouldn't be able to handle this alone. Nathaniel was insane.

"He won't stand between our love Marinette! We were meant to be together forever!" Nathaniel landed another cut on my side as I was distracted.

Chat burst in, his baton ready. I sighed in relief that only lasted for a split second as Nathaniel launched at Chat.

They fell over, Nathaniel raising his weapon above his head before trying to stab Chat. Chat dodged, kicking Nathaniel off and managing to disarm him.

I sent my yoyo to Nathaniel, tying him up with the tough wire. He squirmed, yelling about how perfect we were together.

Chat called the police, watching Nathaniel closely as he breathed heavily. I heard sirens outside, noting that Alya must of heard me scream and called the police already.

"We're up here!" I shouted out the open door, watching as a group of police marched upstairs with guns at the ready just in case.

They saw the scene and started asking questions. Nathaniel answered with spite in his voice, still screaming about us being meant to be. I hugged Chat as I watched.

"It's okay Marinette, it's all over. I promise we'll have a magical night tonight and we'll forget this ever happened." He whispered in my ear as I broke down. I nodded.


We sat on the Eiffel Tower, a blanket under our bodies. A basket was to the left of me, and candles to the right of Adrien. Our hands we're clasped together as we looked at the lite up city.

How could we do this to each other? How could we make each other feel so complete and in so much bliss? It was truly magical.

"Marinette. I know we're so young, and this has nothing to do with the fact we had children. They're a bonus.  I just wanted to ask..." He trailed off, pulling a box out of his pocket. His hands were shaking.

"I-I love you so much and I would've asked you this whether we had the kids or not, I just..." He trailed off again, opening the box, revealing a ring.

My hand slapped against my mouth, tears freely flowing down my cheeks.

"Yes, I will marry you!"

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