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I turn around to see Logan, my eldest brother standing behind me. He looks different. His blue eyes no longer shine, but seem dull from experience, and his dirty blonde hair is starting to have more brown in it than blonde. He is still as tall as I remember him, over six feet, but he stands slumped, different to how he use to. I always remember Logan being so strong, able to handle anything you threw at him, but now looking at him, I see a man who lost his mother.

"Hello, Logan." I say quietly as I turn back to look at mother. I hear Logan walk up so he is standing next to me looking down at our mother.

"I'm sorry that we bothered you, but we guessed that you would have wanted to know, since you were so close to her." Logans voice has a hint of annoyance in it, once that I am use to hearing in Lucas' voice, our younger and moody little brother.

"It wasn't a bother." I say softly as I look over to where the trees begin. I want to tell them what I saw, but father made me promise a long time ago I wouldn't use my gifts, and especially in a public setting. "I've actually been doing a lot of thinking lately, ever since I received your letter." I add as I turn and lock eyes with Logan, smiling slightly to him.

"What kind of thinking?" Logan asks as he stares at me with his own little secretive smile. Logan and I were always closer than I was to my other siblings. Jackson was just a dick to everyone and Lucas never wanted anything to do with any of us. And, Logan always made sure we were all okay, seeing as he was the oldest of the four of us.

I open my mouth to explain, but I am cut off by someone clearing their throat. I turn and see Father, who I resemble almost down to the way he parts his hair, besides the fact that he is like seven feet tall and I settled for the five foot ten I was given. Dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and thin lips. I was the only one of us four to look like Father, the others always resembled Mother, except for Logan who seems to be getting some darker hair.

"Noah, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised to see you here." I wince from the cold tone, but don't say much on the fact. I know Father was hurt deeply when I left, and I'm going to try my hardest to fix it the best I can with all the time I have left in this world.

"Logan got ahold of me, he told me what happened and I came immediately." I say softly as I look at the ground in respect, I have been on the receiving end of my father's glare one too many times.

"You didn't seem to care when Jackson got married, or when Logan had his first born, or when Lucas found his mate."

"Father!" Logan interrupts father, but I feel my heart drop and my breathing cut off.

"Jackson's married, you have a kid, and Lucas met his mate?" I ask sadly as I look down at the ground again. I purse my lips as I nod to myself.

"I guess that makes sense, it has been a while." I sniff as I straighten my shoulders and fake a smile. "I think I'm going to find a seat, but I have to run back to my car quick. I forgot something." I push past Logan and my father, ignoring Logan's calls and head back to where my car is parked.

I wipe the few stray tears that leak down my face. I knew I had been gone a long time. I know Logan is five years older than me, he is 27, I should have assumed he would have had a kid soon, Jackson is 25, I should have assumed he would find his mate and marry, Lucas is already 20, you can find your mate at 18, I should have guessed. I just assumed because I wasn't in their life anymore that their lives seemed to just stop. I guess I was wrong.

I grab the jewelry box sitting in the passenger side of the car. I kept it there the whole ride because I didn't want to risk losing it somewhere else in the car. Knowing me, I would have too.

I snatch the box and slide it into my pocket and hurrying to the meadow again, knowing that the actual ceremony would be starting soon. The box in my pocket is a steady thing with everything else that has been messed up in my life recently. I thought I was happy, whole, but now I am questioning everything that I thought was good.

When I make it back to meadow and sit in one of the seats that are open, smiling to the older woman sitting in the seat next to me, I look to where the rest of my family is sitting.

Logan is holding a baby, maybe about a year, and it's a girl. She is so pretty, I can see her crystal blue eyes she got from Logan and her brown hair is curly on top of her head. The woman sitting next to Logan is smiling at the two, and she has green eyes and curly brown hair. She must be Logan's mate.

Jackson is sitting next to them, his blonde hair and brown eyes the same as they have always been, but his arm is wrapped around a woman. The woman has black hair and hazel eyes. They seem happy to be with each other and I now can see the rings in both of their ring fingers.

Another woman is next, she is tiny, red hair and blue eyes, she only goes up to Lucas' chest. Their eyes are almost the same shade, and Lucas' blonde hair almost seems red next to his mate. Lucas is sitting next to his mate, and Father is next to him, Lucas always was a daddy's boy. There is an extra seat next to where Father is sitting, so I don't know who is coming.

Sitting in the next row behind my brothers and their mates and my father, seems to be all of the in laws. There are about ten of them total, various ages. There is also a few open spots in that row that I am sure will end up being filled before the ceremony starts.

I startle as someone touches my shoulder, and I blanch when I see who it is. 

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