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When I open my eyes Easton and my father give each other meaningful looks. They look over to my three brothers and their mates, and I know they are going to send them out so we can talk, but they have a right to know, they are family.

“Don't make them leave. They have a right to hear about this. You know they do.” I plead as I grab my father’s wrist. Father looks down at me as he takes in what i said. “Please?” Father seems to lose the little fight he had with my small begging. He turns and nods to Easton, who still seems a little unsure but follows along anyway.

“Well, the gifted, for those who do not know, are a type of werewolf, with purple eyes. They have enhanced sense, even more than the average alpha werewolf, and they have these special gifts, as their name implies.” My brothers seem to catch on to what Easton is talking about, but their mates are still a little lost. “But it comes with a cost. The hunters have caught on to this discovery, along with dangerous rogues, and they don't like what is going on. All over the world, publicly claimed Gifted have slowly been killed, or kidnapped. After packs began realizing what was going on, it has become safer for the Gifted, but only if they keep themselves hidden from the world.” Easton finishes as he sits down in one of the empty chairs.

“So you're telling me that my brother might be killed, or taken because he is one of these ‘Gifted’?” Jackson demands as he crosses his arms across his chest. Easton makes a small humming noise, as if to say yes, but also no.

“I am saying your brother is a gifted, but i will do everything in my power to make sure no harm comes to him.” Easton corrects as he leans back in his chair, looking anything but the person who just claimed to protect me.

“What kind of gifts do I have? Can I have like, premonitions, or talk to dead people?” I pry a little, okay kind of a lot, as the room quiets down as everyone takes in what Easton has said. Easton turned to me with an amused twist to his lips as he looked at me.

“Why, have you been seeing dead people?” He asks, almost sarcastically. I kind of get lost in his eyes. They seem lit up with amusement, and if it wasn't directed at me, I might find them kind of beautiful. I look away quickly when I realize I was looking at him for a little too long to be normal. I don't answer as I look at the wall on the other side of where Easton is sitting.

“Have you been seeing dead people?” Easton asks, suddenly more serious when he sees I am not as amused as he is with his teasing. I huff as I roll my eyes at him.

“Why do you think I would ask such a specific question if I haven't been seeing dead people, or person?” I say back sarcastically. Easton sems to brush it off as he sits further up in his chair.

“Who have you been seeing?” He asks as he stares intently at me. Honestly I am kind of nervous by his intense stare. I huff again as I turn to father.

“Mom, but it was really weird. Like it wasn't her. She was yelling, and mad at me, for not being here. Said I basically killed her for not saving her.” Father is stunned as he stands in front of me with his mouth open. A tear falls from from my eye and I wipe away angrily. “But she said something about me saving the others, like me.” Father is more stumped now instead of stunned, but I can see the look in his eyes.

He doesn't really believe me.

“Others? Like other gifted?” Easton asks as he stands up from his chair. I nod as I look down at the sheets on the bed I am still in.

“What does that mean?” Logan asks as he finally speaks up. “Does that mean that we need them to publicly proclaim themselves so we can find them to protect them? Or will you just ‘know one when you see one?” Logan questions. I can see he, too, doesn't really think I am being serious or telling the truth.

“No. No gifted would willingly give themselves up to the hunters or rogues. Even if it was to meet up with others like them. I don't know if one of you could tell if you are around another, but I mean I guess it's like how wolves can tell if another person is a wolf. We won't know though until we see it.” Easton answers easily. He shakes his head as he thinks to himself. I watch as he picks his lips, and I feel my heart skip a beat, causing everyone to look at the heart monitor.

“I'm fine.” I grumble when everyone turns to look at me. I feel my cheeks flush a little but I ignore it in favor of getting this done with.

“So we have figured out that if I tell anyone about me, I will die, if I try to find others like me, all of us could die, but I might be able to find them without anyone having to die, and I have to do this because my dead mother told me I had to for letting her die.” I summarize as I purse my lips in mild annoyance. Everyone is kind of surprised by my announcement, but I mean it is the truth.

“Well, let's get to it. But first, someone needs to get a doctor in here to get me out of this lumpy bed.”

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