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When we finally got back to the pack house I was surprised how little everything had changed. I can remember all of the days running through all of the same hallways with my brothers and Mother. Father was always busy during the day so we usually only saw him at meal times and for a little while before bed. Mother was usually the one to play with us.

"Amazing how little has changed." I mutter as I push my shoes in the large pile next to the door. A tradition that Mother started when her and Father married and made this pack house. She hated always having to clean the dirt off of the floor because of everyone trailing around in the house at all hours of the day.

"I know, Mom kept a tight ship around here. She never wanted anything to change." I smile at the memory and nod at Jackson before looking around again. It's still the same colors as from what a I remember, a lot of creams, browns, reds, and dark orange. Mother always said she like to have the pack house be as homey as it could be.

"Come on, everyone is in the dining room eating, I want to get some of the food before it is all gone." Jackson gently grabs my arm and directs me in the direction of the dining room. I wonder why he is holding onto my arm, I know how to get there, maybe he is scared that I'll bolt as soon as I step foot into the dining room, and honestly the idea is sounding better and better the more I think about it.

As we near the dining room the noise steadily gets louder. I always forget how big the pack is, and it only seems to be getting bigger with the Alpha's family finally starting to get mated. More people asking to join the pack, kids being born. I know the pack was only at like, thirty people when I left, which is big considering how little some can be, literally only an Alpha, his Luna and their kids, but I'm sure it has only grown.

"How big is he pack now?" I ask as I try to distract myself from the numerous eyes on both Jackson and I as we walk into the dining room. Most people don't remember who I am, since I have been a taboo subject ever since I received my powers. I was the forgotten middle child with a personality everyone thought was weird.

"Close to fifty, people won't stop having kids, and now that our mates have joined it's gotten bigger over time. Plus, there was this war against two other packs a few months ago, a few orphans were left behind, so we took them in." I frown as I think of the orphans, they are left in the middle of a dead zone because of some stupid war between two packs. They are innocent, but they still lose.

"That's sad." I comment quietly as Jackson lets go of my arm so we both can get in the long line for food. "Have they all been adopted in yet?" I ask as I stuff my hands in my pocket and feel around for the small jewelry box. It helps me calm myself when I am nervous or stressed.

"All but one. He was the most traumatized and no one wants to take in a kid that has so many problems. There is a family who 'fosters' him, but they mainly make sure he goes to bed, eats, and goes to preschool. I feel bad for him, I wish we could find a home for him." Jackson shakes his head as he reaches over and grabs a plate for both of us before grabbing silverware too.

I follow after him, but look around the large room hoping that maybe I can find this boy that he was speaking of. I frown when I see a little boy hunched over by himself at a table. I bet that's him. He seems so tiny compared to what I was thinking, he looks so broken. Then I remember that he lost his parents as was in the middle of a war, watching death occur all the time.

Once we reach the drinks, Jackson nods his head over to where the rest of our family is sitting, I nod to him to make it seem as if I understand and that I will follow after him. Once he is far enough away from me though, I walk in the opposite direction and head for the table where the little boy is sitting.

All the years I sat alone at school because I was the freak no one wanted to be around, I'm not going to let that happen to this little boy because of the shit he went through that wasn't even his own fault.

"Where is Noah going?" I hear father ask with my enhanced hearing. I smirk when I hear Jackson hum in confusion as he stuffs his face with more food.

"He was getting a drink, he'll be here in a second." Jackson mumbles around his food. I hear the distinct sound of his arm being slapped, at least someone is trying to teach him some manners, god knows he never had any before.

"Then why is he walking over to a different table?" Father sighs. I can imagine his exasperated facial expression as he looks between me and Jackson.

"Why does it matter? If he doesn't want to sit here it's his loss." I hear the, still, unknown man mutter to himself. By this time, I have neared the table and have sat down. The little boy still hasn't looked up at me though, and I know I am going to have to initiate the conversation.

With a deep breath I open my mouth to speak to the hurt little boy before me. 

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