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“I don't understand why you never moved it.” I laugh as I watch father grumble as Jackson eats the last of the M&M’s that he found and stole. Father really isn't so smart in small things such as these.

“I didn't think I would be raided by my children in my own office.” Father snaps back at me. I laugh a little more before flinching slightly when a hand touches my shoulder. Don't get me wrong, I am not flinching from being scared or frightened, it has to do more with the shock that goes down my spine from where the hand had been touching me.

I look behind me as see that Easton is the one to touch me. I guess I could say I am shocked by what is obviously going on between the two of us, but then again all of the looks and emotions shared between the two of us in the past few days kind of add up to the conclusion.

Easton also looks shocked as he glares down at his hand, that is still on my shoulder before dropping it and turning to look at father.

“I know that the immediate thing you must want to do is to find some pack, or allies to join up with, btu I will have to tell you we cannot allow anyone else to know about this. I do not want to be rude or mean or hurtful, but I already don't trust all of these people knowing Noah’s secret. It is bad enough he wants to go on this completely stupid mission to save his kind…”

“It is not stupid!” I interrupt as I whirl around on him, “I want to help and save other like me, why is that so hard to grasp?” I take one step closer to Easton, getting more in his personal space, partly to seem intimidating and partly because I was feel more of that electricity that runs between the two of us.

“It is stupid! We have no idea who is a gifted, and if we do have suspicions, they would never tell anyone their secret, for they have been instructed not to. Or they just have enough common sense to stay to themselves and not get themselves out in the open and killed. Unlike someone I know. If we guess wrong, and it gets around that someone is asking about the gifted, it only takes a few whisper to get the hunters and rogues attention.” Easton glasses as he grits out between his teeth.

Honestly, he needs to calm down and see where I am coming from. I get that this new, potential, mate bond is messing with his head, probably has been for the past few days if his actions say anything, but he needs to realize I am not going to be a pushover in this relationship, if there is a relationship between the two of us, that is.

“Well it is my decision and it is final!” I retaliate as I turn back around and look at Father, who seem bewildered by what has just gone on. Based on the small amount of knowledge I have of Easton in the pack before I got here, he was kind of reserved and only spoke in times when it was really needed, like he was saving his breath for something better. This must be completely out of character for him.

“I feel as if we are looking inside the life of a married couple fighting about the flavor of ice cream that is the best. This is literally going nowhere. Noah wants to fight it, and Easton, wants to hide in the shadows. I say, we come out of those shadows and kick whoever’s asses we need to to keep my baby brother safe.” Logan declares as he holds Aliyah closer to his chest. He seems to be thinking about what could happen to her if she was in the same boat, which honestly, I have my own suspicions about her.

“Not a baby.” I grumble but it is ignored as Easton gets into Logan’s face. Everyone is kind of shocked by his boldness, but his words freeze us all.

“You don't understand. Hunters themselves are known to be ruthless, but add in the fact of added power once they are able to take down a gifted, only makes them eve more fueled to hunt them down, you haven't seen the sadistic glint in their eyes as they slaughter each and every gifted they have come across. I will not allow anyone the same fate as the wolves whose lives have been taken before ours simply because they have extraordinary gifts that are for good.” Easton spits.

I can see the true anguish that is in his eyes, and I know he has probably lost his fair share of friends because of the hunters. I can't blame him for how he is acting. Especially knowing that we have a potential mate bond between the two of us.

“I am not saying to be stupid. I am saying it is time to fight back. I would rather die fighting, then I would be hiding.” i say softly, catching everyone’s attention.

“How do you plan on doing that?” Father asks, finally seeing an opportunity to get this meeting back into his hands and back on track. I think over all of the wayward thoughts that have been flying through my head since I have learned about the dangers to my kind. Some ideas completely stupid, while others completely thought out.

“We need an inside man. Someone who can get the hunters to trust and to give us information about them. They would be able to give them false information and we can take them out slowly that way. This is also another way to get information on the Gifted that the hunters or rogues plan on targeting. Getting the rogue to trust us will be harder, seeing as they can sniff us out, literally and figuratively, but the hunters wouldn't even know. It could either really work, or it could get someone really killed.” Easton seems to actually be thinking of the idea as father immediately shakes his head.

“No! I will not send any wolf to the Hunters, it would literally be a suicide mission. Plus, no one would be willing to go.” Father argues as he worries his bottom lip. I remember when he use to do that when we were younger and Mom would always make him stop, it makes me miss her even more.

“You don't have to send anyone against their will. I would willingly go.” I offer, already knowing that there are going to be multiple people who are going to object.  

“No!” Father is the first to speak up in the shocked room. Logan and Jackson are both equally as against it as father is, but the look in Lucas’s eyes shows me that I might have him on board. It might be because he still sort of hates me and wouldn't mind me dying, but you know i am just hoping it is out of knowledge rather than spite.

“I think it is a good idea.” Easton speaks up, surprising all of us. He just spouted a lot of words against doing this and now he is all for it? There has to be some kind of catch. “If I go with too.” And there it is, but honestly, I’m not even mad.

“So it is settled then, Easton and I will infiltrate the hunters.” I agree before anyone else can say something. I share a look with Easton, that shows that the hunters won't be the only think infiltrated on this mission, if you know what I mean. Definitely not mad.

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