Romeo | Fred Weasley

227 7 5

Status: Available

Love Interest: Fred Weasley

The two families couldn't be anymore different, but she was Juliet and he was her Romeo.

Juliet Marvoe has grown up being taught about Blood Prejudices and how muggleborns weren't worthy to wield wands. And she believed every last word.

With her parents being Death Eaters and her brother being the newest addition to the Dark Lord's army, Juliet couldn't be anymore evil in the Weasleys' eyes. But she still has yet to prove herself.

After finding Dumbledore's Army in the Room of Requirements, Juliet doesn't know what to do. Should she alert her parents to tell Voldemort or take Fred Weasley's advice and 'Keep her bloody mouth shut.'


Juliet should feel really torn between what everyone is telling her is right and her parents' beliefs. After all, her parents never gave her a reason to not trust them. She doesn't know that Voldemort is planning mass murder to all muggleborn and after she finds out, she asks to join Dumbledore's Army.

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