Junior AKA Agent Three

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'The airship was taken down this morning by an anonymous hero, despite the act it has caused several million dollars of damage and cause four people serious harm.' The news blared as Wanda made herself breakfast.

"What's that?" Steve asked with a frown.

"Someone has destroyed part of the city, near the Shield facilities." She muttered, floating her spoon to her mouth as she made a mug of coffee.

"Tony will look into it he's there at the moment." Steve reassured her but she frowned, not wanting to have to go out on another mission so soon.

"Mr Barnes has asked for you." Vision muttered to Steve who nodded and headed through to the training room where Bucky was fighting Sam.

"You wanted me?" He asked and both men stopped.

"Do we have to deal with what ever happened in New York?" Bucky asked quickly.

"No, I'll call Tony and see what's going on." He nodded when they seemed relieved.


"Why did S.H.E.I.L.D think it was a good idea to build a super soldier and stick it in the body of a sixteen-year-old girl?" Natasha sighed as she, Clint and Tony stood to head into the meeting room where they were to meet you.

"I think they'd never met a teenager before, apparently, she disabled their tracking device." Tony muttered, eyeing the restraints that were keeping you in your seat.

"This won't hold her." Natasha pointed out as they sat down but Tony just shrugged.

"She's a kid what harm could she do?" Clint asked, following Natasha's pointed hand when she gestured to the smouldering aircraft a few miles away from the office.

"Apparently, that was her, which is why we're involved." She sighed and sat down.

"We asked Fury to take her however, he is unable or unwilling to do so which is why we, reluctantly, asked you to step in." A man in a suit said, avoiding standing too close to you.

"If you're reluctant to do it then why ask us?" Tony asked, watching you glower at the man who put unnecessary space between the two of you as he moved around the office.

"Because you seem to have Barnes under control, we figured you could get this one fixed for us." He spat and glared at you. "She's a valuable asset but is currently broken."

"She's a child, not a weapon." Clint barked quickly, making everyone jump at the sudden outburst.

"We will take her, but we will not be returning her by force." Tony sighed and the tension on the room seemed to relax when you stared at him with surprise.

"Get her loaded up." The man order as Tony signed a piece of paper.


"How long has she been up?" Tony asked F.R.I.D.A.Y as he found you fully dressed looking ready to fight someone at the first opportunity.

"She left her room and began a training session as precisely four o'clock this morning, she is currently in a self-sedated state of meditation to re-energize herself." F.R.I.D.A.Y explained which made Tony flinch, he expected you to sleep in and refuse to get up like Peter when he'd stayed in the holidays.

"Well, gather everyone would you, we can introduce ourselves." Tony hurried off and went to find Banner who had apparently been working on the samples of your DNA Shield had provided.

"It could appear that she is as they told you she's altered like Bucky and Steve however, the serum is blocking a mutation and they've attempted to alter her mental state to fit Agent Carter." Banner showed the paper work to Tony who frowned and shook his head.

"How'd they get their hands on her, do you think she'll have any family?" Tony asked and Banner shook his head.

"I doubt it, Agent Carter was the one that cancelled the program, it was her last act as an active Agent... if she did they may not want her back, the parents were informed what they would go through." Bruce flinched when Tony smiled his hand on the table and glared furiously at the paperwork.

"They knew and still let it happen!" He hissed.

"I have everyone in the Living room." F.R.I.D.A.Y blared over the rooms speakers and Tony thanked her, heading to the others with Bruce in tow. "Everyone this is... I'm sorry what's your name?" Tony asked softly.

"Agent Three." You answered quickly and everyone exchanged looks.

"No what's your... normal people name, not the code name they give you." Bucky chuckled until you frowned and eyed them nervously.

"I am Agent Three." You insisted which made everyone fear Tony may have agreed to take on more than they could handle.

"If there's three of you then where are the others?" Natasha asked, you turned your attention to her and suddenly surged forwards, knocking her off the sofa. "Hey!" She yelled furiously when she flipped round you and pinned you down.

"What are you doing?" Vision asked you when you tried to escape Natasha's grip.

"Complying with mission spider." You grunted and shoved her off you, frowning when you couldn't get past Vision.

"What does your mission entail?" He asked and you shook your head. "It would seem to me that you do not wish to harm her but you are forced to do so by an instinct that has been set inside you by someone else?"

"Black Widows make us obsolete." You mumbled looking at your feet as you waited for someone to tell you off for speaking.

"Is that what happened to the others, they became obsolete?" Clint asked with the same tone he'd use if one of his children were afraid and miraculously it seemed to break through instantly.

"Agent One failed his mission, Agent Two has failed to reanimate, Agent Three must not fail." You recited in a monotone voice. After that you became unresponsive and the team spoke around you, Bucky staring at you as he tried to figure out if you were faking it or if you'd recited the phrase on purpose.

"Listen Junior, we're going to help you but you'll need to trust us and we'll need to trust you back, so work with us if you're up for it." Steve muttered as Wanda offered to lead you to your room opposite hers and keep an eye on you.

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